Fig. 5. Microstructural gradient of cortico-striatal covariation shows fronto-limbic to sensorimotor separation.
(A) Segments along the putamen’s AP axis show distinct profiles of microstructural covariation with cortical regions. Anterior segments of the putamen display differentiative profiles, showing positive covariance with frontal cortical regions and negative covariance with parieto-occipital regions. This differentiation attenuates toward posterior segments of the putamen that show only negative covariance (results are shown for the right putamen). (Similar results are obtained for the left putamen and for the caudate; see fig. S20.) (B) Each of 68 cortical regions (defined by the Desikan-Killiany atlas) is colored with respect to its location on the brain’s AP axis (y coordinate of the region’s centroid). Profiles of covariation with putamen segments are different for frontal (yellow) and posterior (purple) cortical regions. Red dashed lines indicate bounds of significant covariance (corrected for multiple comparisons). (C) Isolation of example cortical profiles from (B), showing positive covariation of frontal and limbic regions and negative covariation of motor and sensory regions with the anterior putamen, and a gradual change of this trend toward the posterior putamen.