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. 2022 Jul 15;8(28):eabm7201. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abm7201

Table 1. Sample summary information.

Demographics and sample background in life stages corresponding to later sample restrictions (premenopausal, 18 to 45; menopause transition or perimenopause, 46 to 54; postmenopause, 55+). Note that <10 was used for any cells with fewer than 10 individuals. Ages are binned on the basis of approximate life stages and the sample restrictions. *, 23 respondents had two doses of the vaccine but did not specify the vaccine type.

Total (N = 39,129) 18–24 (N = 6332) 25–34 (N = 14,797) 35–45 (N = 13,096) 46–54 (N = 4304) 55+ (N = 600)
Age 34.22 (9.18) 21.69 (1.85) 29.63 (2.84) 39.43 (3.10) 49.10 (2.38) 59.34 (4.94)
  Pfizer 21,620 55.3% 3646 57.6% 8246 55.7% 7135 54.5% 2287 53.1% 306 51.0%
  Moderna 13,001 33.2% 1916 30.3% 4898 33.1% 4521 34.5% 1448 33.6% 218 36.3%
  Johnson & Johnson 3469 8.9% 634 10.0% 1260 8.5% 1126 8.6% 406 9.4% 43 7.2%
  Other 1016 2.6% 133 2.1% 388 2.6% 304 2.3% 159 3.7% 32 5.3%
35,572 90.9% 4535 71.6% 13,449 90.9% 12,751 97.4% 4245 98.6% 592 98.7%
  Gender diverse 3557 9.1% 1797 28.4% 1348 9.1% 345 2.6% 59 1.4% <10
32,983 84.3% 4978 78.6% 12,336 83.4% 11,393 87.0% 3743 87.0% 533 88.8%
  Racially diverse 6146 15.7% 1354 21.4% 2461 16.6% 1703 13.0% 561 13.0% 67 11.2%
31,134 79.6% 4896 77.3% 11,791 79.7% 10,597 80.9% 3409 79.2% 441 73.5%
  Hispanic/Latinx or
7995 20.4% 1436 22.7% 3006 20.3% 2499 19.1% 895 20.8% 159 26.5%
  Hormonal 3694 9.4% 540 8.5% 1725 11.7% 1141 8.7% 274 6.4% 14 2.3%
1533 3.9% 157 2.5% 722 4.9% 537 4.1% 112 2.6% <10 0.8%
  Unknown 47 0.1% <10 0.1% 17 0.1% 16 0.1% <10 0.1% <10 0.3%
Hormonal treatments
7438 19.0% 1980 31.3% 3588 24.2% 1583 12.1% 277 6.4% 10 1.7%
  Other hormonal
2980 7.6% 377 6.0% 867 5.9% 1082 8.3% 518 12.0% 136 22.7%
Cycle regularity
  Regular 28,811 73.6% 4418 69.8% 11,513 77.8% 11,167 85.3% 2662 61.8% 51 8.5%
  Irregular 4768 12.2% 1206 19.0% 1903 12.9% 989 7.6% 632 14.7% 38 6.3%
  Nonmenstruating 4525 11.6% 707 11.2% 1377 9.3% 931 7.1% 1003 23.3% 507 84.5%
Medical history
  Past pregnancy 16,859 43.1% 167 2.6% 3980 26.9% 8841 67.5% 3403 79.1% 468 78.0%
  Parity 14,579 37.3% 66 1.0% 3049 20.6% 7939 60.6% 3099 72.0% 426 71.0%
  Menorrhagia or
heavy bleeding
6864 17.5% 876 13.8% 2123 14.3% 2529 19.3% 1119 26.0% 217 36.2%
  Endometriosis 1735 4.4% 142 2.2% 536 3.6% 749 5.7% 266 6.2% 42 7.0%
  PCOS 3238 8.3% 391 6.2% 1325 9.0% 1194 9.1% 293 6.8% 35 5.8%
  Fibroids 2449 6.3% 32 0.5% 339 2.3% 1151 8.8% 774 18.0% 153 25.5%
  Adenomyosis 277 0.7% 11 0.2% 57 0.4% 136 1.0% 64 1.5% <10
  Other 2612 6.7% 351 5.5% 956 6.5% 963 7.4% 292 6.8% 50 8.3%