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. 2021 May 28;32(1):e2261. doi: 10.1002/rmv.2261


Main effects of lactoferrin oral administration in the prevention and management of viral infections

Author, year Treatment Prevention Management Side effects
Virological Response Immunological response Symptom assessment Other
Ochoa, 2013 Group I: 0.5 g bLF/day; Group II: placebo No difference in diarrhoea incidence NA NA Decrease in duration and severity of symptoms NA NA
Serrano, 2020 Group I: 20–30 mg bLF/day + zinc; Group II: 20–30 mg bLF/day NA NA NA Improvement in the main symptoms in both groups NA None
Campione, 2020 (pre‐print) Group I: 1 g bLF/day; Group II: standard of care treatment; Group III: No therapy control group: Healthy volunteers NA Significant decrease in median time length of rRT‐PCR SARS‐CoV‐2 RNA negative conversion (Group I vs. Group II, and Group I vs. Group III) Significant decrease in IL‐6 and D‐Dimer levels in Group I; non‐significant decrease in TNF‐ in Group I non‐significant increase in IL‐10 level in Group I non‐significant difference in adrenomedullin level in group I Significant decrease in duration of symptoms (Group I vs. Group II, and Group I vs. Group III) Significant decrease in ferritin level in Group I non‐significant difference in serum iron and transferrin levels in Group I Minor
Zuccotti, 2006 Group I: 3 g bLF/day without ARV therapy; Group II: 3 g bLF/day + RTI based therapy a ; Group II: 3 g bLF/day + HAART therapy b NA Significant decline in viral load during the bLF administration in groups I and II, but non‐significant comparing the two groups Significant increase in CD4+ cell percentage during the bLF administration in group I and II, but significantly higher in Group II; non‐significant difference in absolute CD4+ cell count in any group None NA None
Zuccotti, 2007 Group I: 3 g bLF/day NA No change in viral load Skewing of T‐lymphocytes towards more differentiated subpopulations; no significant change in absolute CD4+ and CD8+ cell count; Improvement in phagocytosis, killing, TLR‐2 expression and IL‐12/IL‐10 ratio NA NA NA
Sortino, 2019 Group I: 1.5 g rh‐LF/day; Group II: placebo NA NA Non‐significant difference in inflammatory or immunologic outcomes Non‐significant difference in HIV related symptoms Significant increase in transferrin saturation; non‐significant difference in intestinal microbiotical effects Non‐significant difference
Egashira, 2007 Group I: 100 mg bLF/day; Group II: Placebo Non‐significant difference in gastroenteritis' incidence NA NA Significant decrease in the frequency and duration of symptoms NA NA
Yen, 2011 Group I: 70–80 mg bLF/day; Group II: placebo Non‐significant difference in gastroenteritis' incidence NA Non‐significant difference in the IFN‐gamma and IL‐10 levels between two groups Non‐significant difference NA NA

Abbreviations: ARV, antiretroviral; bLF, bovine lactoferrin; HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy; IL, interleukin; NA, not assessed; NRTI, nucleoside reverse‐transcriptase inhibitor; RTIs, reverse‐transcriptase inhibitor; rh‐LF, recombinant human lactoferrin.


Antiretroviral therapy based on two NRTIs or one NRTI plus one non‐NNRTI.


Triple antiretroviral therapy regimen including two NRTIs and one protease inhibitor.