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. 2021 Aug 8;58(11):e13915. doi: 10.1111/psyp.13915


Descriptive statistics for the variables between autonomy support and controlled regulation conditions

Autonomy (n = 19) Controlled (n = 20)
M(SD) M(SD) t = p = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. IAF 3.30 (.43) 3.52 (.56) 1.35 .19
2. IMI 3.33 (.39) 3.31 (.50) .13 .90 −.03
3. BMIS 3.05 (.45) 2.99 (.37) .42 .68 −.08 .26*
4. Mental Borg 1 5.68 (1.57) 5.58 (2.12) .18 .86 .05 .01 −.23
5. Physical Borg 1 5.42 (2.89) 6.10 (1.92) .87 .39 .00 .14 .05 .40*
6. Mental Borg 2 2.50 (1.30) 3.08 (2.15) 1.00 .32 .16 −07 −.30* .40* .18
7. Physical Borg 2 5.97 (2.86) 6.75 (1.59) 1.06 .30 −.94 .01 .05 .39* .85* .31*
Modified Stroop
8. Correct response 285.00 (30.29) 282.25 (33.19) .27 .79 −.19 .02 .33* −.37* −.13 −.15 −.16
9. Incorrect response 29.58 (20.09) 31.80 (24.13) .31 .76 .10 −.29* −.21 .43* .32* .36* .26 −.47*
10. No response 45.42 (22.46) 45.95 (34.14) .06 .96 .14 .20 −.21 .08 −.10 −.11 −.20 −.74* −.25
Congruent Stroop
11. Correct response 342 (9.68) 341.20 (10.73) .24 .81 −.13 .14 .19 −.37* −.11 −.49* −.18 .58* −.50* −.25
12. Incorrect response 14.56 (9.18) 13.80 (8.76) .26 .80 .05 −.24 −.04 .29* .24 .40* .29* −.31* .61* −.13 −.85*
13. No response 3.44 (4.00) 5.00 (6.31) .90 .38 .17 .12 −.29* .22 −.20 .27* −.14 −.60* −.07 .69* −.49* −.05
14. Wall sit 1 a 124.32 (53.73) 157.80 (62.18) 1.80 .08 −.06 .08 .29* −.20 .33* −.26 .29* .19 −.01 −.20 .06 .09 −.27*
15. Wall sit 2 a 97.00 (41.58) 125.75 (51.57) 1.91 .06 .01 .09 .22 −.16 .20 −.20 .17 −.39 −.15 −.15 −.03 .19 −.25 .65*

Abbreviations: BMIS, brief mood introspection scale; IAF, index of autonomous functioning; IMI, intrinsic motivation inventory.


Measurement in seconds.

*p < .05.