Token | Block height | From | To | Amount (Gwei) | t x fee (Gwei) | Input data |
Binance: BNB token | 3,978,343 | 0x00c5…454 | 0xb8c7…d52 | 0 | 32,643,080 | […..] |
ChainLink: LINK token | 4,281,611 | 0xf550…780 | 0x5149…6ca | 0 | 21,895,728 | […..] |
Tether USD | 4,634,748 | 0x3692…d57 | 0xdac1…ec7 | 0 | 12,683,176 | […..] |
Note: The input data field contains the contract code. The from address is the owner of the smart contract, which resides at the to address. The Ethereum protocol deterministically computes the address from (i) the owner's address and (ii) the account nonce when the transaction is created (by the owner).