Graph edge list for the Tangle for three zero‐value transactions with the same address (we shorten addresses and tx hashes for clarity)
Tx hash | Epoch value | Value | Bundle | Tag | Address | Branch tip | Trunk tip |
FPX..999 | 1,603,985,801 | 0 | XTR..QZX | COR..VU | COR..CJZ | EJR..999 | RBL..999 |
EJR..999 | 1,603,985,790 | 0 | DKR..NF9 | COR..UM | COR..CJZ | MNF..999 | NWX..999 |
RBL..999 | 1,603,985,788 | 0 | PZY..SP9 | COR..UL | COR..CJZ | DPW..999 | YBD..999 |
Note: A value 0 implies zero‐value (message) transactions where the address is the transaction creator. In value transactions, the address may belong to the transaction sender or receiver. The first transaction has the next two transactions as its tips. Note that these transactions do not belong to the same bundle. The transaction tag (attachmentTag field) is used to label transactions. The epoch value is an integer that counts the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.