Fig. 1. Acute telomeric 8oxoG initiates rapid premature senescence.
a, YFP-XRCC1 localization to telomeres indicated by FAP-mCer-TRF1 after 10 min dye + light (DL) treatment of RPE FAP-TRF1 cells. b, Percent YFP-XRCC1 positive telomeres per nucleus after no treatment (UT) or 10 min DL in wild-type or OGG1ko RPE FAP-TRF1 cells. Error bars represent the mean ± s.d. from the indicated number n of nuclei analyzed from a representative experiment. Statistical analysis by one-way ANOVA (***P < 0.001). Immunoblot for FAP-TRF1 and OGG1 in extracts from RPE FAP-TRF1 wild-type and OGG1ko cells. Arrow indicates nonspecific band stained by anti-OGG1. c–e, Cell counts of BJ (c), RPE (d) or primary BJ (e) FAP-TRF1 cells obtained 4 days after recovery from 5 or 20 min dye (D) and light (L) alone, or in combination (DL) as indicated, relative to untreated cells. f, RPE FAP-TRF1 cell cycle analysis 24 h after no treatment or 5 min D, L, DL, 20 J m–2 UVC, or 1 h with 2.5 or 10 mM KBrO3 determined by flow cytometry. g, RPE FAP-TRF1 colony formation efficiency 7–10 days after indicted treatment. h,i, Percent β-galactosidase-positive BJ FAP-TRF1 cells obtained 4 days after the indicated treatments; 2.5 mM KBrO3 and 50 μM ETP treatments were for 1 h. In c–i, error bars represent the mean ± s.d. from the number of independent experiments indicated by the black circles. Statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA (ns, not significant; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001). j, Representative image of 5 min DL-treated BJ FAP-TRF1 β-galactosidase-positive cells. Arrows mark positive cells (turquoise). k, Mitochondrial respiration was examined 24, 48 and 96 h after 5 min D, L or DL. Data are means and error bars are ±95% CI from two independent experiments with seven to eight technical replicates each for BJ and RPE FAP-TRF1 cells.