Fig. 2.
Representative images of protein expression levels (Western Blot) for all proteins studied, their regulatory phosphorylations and total amount of protein loaded (Reactive Brown Staining) for a single study participant. Images from top to bottom: pThr287 CaMKII, Total CaMKII, pThr180/Tyr182 p38 MAPK, pThr202/Tyr204 ERK1/2, NF-κB p105, NF-κB p50, NF-κB p65, pSer536 NF-κB p65, pSer32/36 IκBα, Total IκBα, pThr19/Ser23 IκBß, Total IκBß, pSer176/180 IKKα/β, Total IKKβ, Total IKKα, GR, Txr1, Gpx1, TrxR1 and Reactive Brown (as total protein loading control). Detailed description of experimental phases is included in Fig. 1. CON, non-intervention healthy human sample included in quadruplicate onto each gel as a loading control. Normoxia; test performed with FIO2 = 0.21, Hypoxia; test performed with FIO2 = 0.104; Pre, before exercise; Post, 10 s after the end of exercise with ischaemic recovery; Oc1m, 60 s after the end of exercise with ischaemic recovery; FC1m, 60 s after the end of exercise without ischaemic recovery (free circulation). The molecular weight standard markers closest to the migration of the band are indicated on the right side of the panel.