CD49b− and CD49b+ subsets have different cell-cycle and cell-proliferation kinetics
(A) Cell-cycle analysis of CD117-enriched BM cells. The frequency of G0, G1, and S/G2/M cells in a representative mouse is shown.
(B) Frequency of CD49b− and CD49b+ HSCs in G0, G1, and S/G2/M (n = 8 mice, two independent experiments). ns, not significant.
(C) BrdU analysis of CD117-enriched BM cells. The frequency of BrdU− and BrdU+ cells in a representative mouse is shown.
(D) Frequency of BrdU+ CD49b− and CD49b+ HSCs (n = 9 mice, three independent experiments).
(E) Cell divisions from cultured single cells on days 1–4 (nCD49b− = 347 cells, nCD49b+ = 370 cells, five replicates, three independent experiments). Mean ± SD is shown in (B), (D), and (E).