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. 2022 Jul 16;23:517. doi: 10.1186/s12864-022-08667-6

Table 4.

Summary of QTL detected for yearling weight in U.S. Red Angus cattle

Chr_Mba -log10 P-value Regression Beta MAFb Supporting SNPsc Positional Candidate Genes Lead SNP Location Scientific Precedence [reference]; organism; trait
6_38 48.689 −24.991 0.282 87 LCORL, LOC782905 Intergenic [20, 24, 26, 3745]; Cattle; Birth, weaning and yearling weight, fat and protein percentage, carcass weight, fat thickness, dystocia, average daily gain and dry matter intake, hip height, ribeye area, calving ease, stature, feed intake and gain
6_37 36.517 −19.339 0.328 173 FAM184B Intron [20, 24, 39, 40, 42]; Cattle; Weaning and yearling weights, calving ease, dystocia, average daily gain, dry matter intake, daily feed intake
20_05 34.429 −18.105 0.441 116 STC2 Exond [20, 24, 31, 40, 42, 47, 48]; Cattle; Birth, weaning and carcass weight, average daily gain, dry matter intake, stature, mature rate, mid-test metabolic weight
6_36 25.670 −21.048 0.219 49 HERC6 Intron [20, 40, 42, 4951]; Cattle; Birth, weaning, and yearling weight, mature weight, average daily gain, dry matter intake, backfat thickness, conception rate, milk production traits, protein ubiquitination
6_39 19.104 −14.508 0.271 45 LOC782905, SLIT2 Intergenic [20, 24, 39, 42, 44, 54]; Cattle; Birth, weaning, and yearling weight, calving ease, carcass weight, average daily gain, dry matter intake, backfat thickness, ribeye area, hip height
14_23 16.513 17.008 0.116 47 PLAG1 3’UTR [11, 20, 24, 26, 31, 46]; Cattle; Birth weight, mid-test metabolic weight, yearling and carcass weight, stature, milk protein yield, stature
20_06 15.250 −12.790 0.390 24 LOC783392, CPEB4 Intergenic [40, 48, 49, 54, 55]; Cattle; Fat percentage, dry matter intake, mature weight, conception rate, mRNA and protein expression in meiosis regulation
6_40 13.214 −11.340 0.276 69 KCNIP4 Intron [20, 24, 42, 56, 59, 60, 63, 66]; Cattle, mouse, human; Birth, weaning, and yearling weights, calving ease, mature weight, average daily gain, carcass weight, hip height, post-weaning weight, liver weight, potassium channel function
6_35 12.635 −11.427 0.315 40 MMRN1 Exone [24, 43, 5658]; Cattle, human, sheep; Birth weight, dry matter intake, fetal growth, weaning weight, winter tolerance under metabolic stress response
6_34 12.607 −12.734 0.286 36 CCSER1 Intron [20, 49, 58, 65]; Cattle, human, sheep; Birth and weaning weight, conception rate, regulator of mitosis, feed intake
14_24 12.459 14.915 0.102 42 PENK, LOC112449660 Intergenic [20, 24, 26, 29, 31, 46, 74]; Cattle, rat; Birth, weaning, and yearling weights, calving ease, carcass weight, milk and protein yield, stillbirth, body size, mid-test metabolic weight, bone development
20_04 10.984 −10.008 0.442 25 SH3PXD2B Intron [24, 40, 61]; Cattle, human; Birth and weaning weights, carcass weight, fat thickness, calving ease, average daily gain, development of eyes, heart, and bone
6_41 10.036 8.987 0.486 41 KCNIP4 Intron [20, 24, 38, 40, 42, 62, 63]; Cattle, human; Birth, weaning, and yearling weight, protein percentage, average daily gain, ribeye area, carcass weight, milk fatty acid composition, potassium channel activity
6_33 9.693 −9.134 0.299 6 CCSER1 Intron [24, 49, 65]; Cattle, human; Carcass weight, fat thickness, conception rate, regulator of mitosis
7_91 8.726 8.879 0.240 39 LOC112447488, LOC112447489, LOC101905238, ARRDC3 Intergenic [24, 30, 31, 46, 53]; Cattle; Milk protein yield, chest width and bone quality, calving ease, average daily gain, growth and muscularity, birth, weaning, and yearling weight, ribeye area
20_03 8.002 7.171 0.472 6 KCNIP1 Intron [78]; Frog, zebrafish; Development of neural plate, associated with cardiac myocytes

a Chromosome_Megabase

b Minor Allele Frequency

c Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms

d Indicates a predicted nonsynonymous mutation Pro➔Ala, exon 2

e Indicates a predicted nonsynonymous mutation Gln➔His, exon 6