Extended Data Fig. 3. SuM neurons are essential for the proliferation of rNSCs and newborn progeny.
(a) Diagram of chemogenetic manipulation of SuM neurons in Vgat-Cre mice. AAV5-DIO-hM3Dq-mCherry or AAV5-DIO-hM4Di-mCherry and their control mCherry construct were bilaterally injected into SuM in the Vgat-Cre mice. After 3 weeks of virus expression, CNO 1 mg/kg was given by i.p. injection for 5 days. Mice were perfused on day 5 after 4 shoots of EdU at 40 mg/kg.
(b) Sample image of hM3Dq-mCherry expression. Scale bar = 100 µm.
(c, i) Sample images of EdU/Nestin (left) and EdU/DCX (right) staining after chemogenetic activation (c) or inhibition (i) of SuMVgat neurons. Scale bar = 100 µm.
(d–f) Density of EdU+ (d), EdU+/Nestin+ (e), EdU+/DCX+ (f) in the DG after chemogenetic activation of SuMVgat neurons. n = 7 mice for each group, two-sided unpaired t-test, d: P = 0.0225, e: P = 0.0298, f: P = 0.0012, respectively.
(g–h) Density of total Nestin+ (g) and total DCX+ (h) cells in the DG after chemogenetic activation of SuMVgat neurons. n = 7 mice for each group, two-sided unpaired t-test, g: P = 0.6761, h: P = 0.8048, respectively.
(j–l) Density of EdU+ (j), EdU+/Nestin+ (k), EdU+/DCX+ (l) in the DG after chemogenetic inhibition of SuMVgat neurons. n = 7 mice for each group, two-sided unpaired t-test, j: P = 0.0483, k: P = 0.0287, l: P = 0.0023, respectively
(m–n) Density of total Nestin+ (m) and total DCX+ (n) cells in the DG after chemogenetic inhibition of SuMVgat neurons. n = 7 mice for each group, two-sided unpaired t-test, m: P = 0.3325, n: P = 0.1046, respectively.