Example of vaccine-associated adenopathy in a 41-year-old female patient undergoing breast magnetic resonance imaging for follow-up of focal lesion. A) T2-weighted fat-saturated axial slice through the breasts and anterior chest, within 5 days of receiving COVID-19 vaccination in the left shoulder showing asymmetric left axillary adenopathy (3.0 × 1.7 cm, arrowhead) with preserved fatty hilum but irregular cortex. B) 6-week follow-up axillary sonography of the same patient demonstrates decreased size (2.2 × 1.1 cm) and some residual cortical thickening [Becker AS, Perez-Johnston R, Chikarmane SA, et al. Multidisciplinary Recommendations Regarding Post-Vaccine Adenopathy and Radiologic Imaging: Radiology Scientific Expert Panel. Radiology 2021; 300: E323-E327. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2021210436]