Table 2.
Compounds | Formation | Stem bark |
Steroids | The development of greenish coloration indicates the presence of steroids | + |
Flavonoids | Formation of intense yellow color, which becomes colorless on the addition of dilute acid, indicates the presence of flavonoids | ++ |
Saponins | Formation of foam indicates the presence of saponins | ++ |
Tannins | The black color indicates the presences tannins | +++ |
Anthraquinone | The violet color shows the presence of anthraquinone | + |
Sugars | — | − |
Terpenoids | Grayish color formation indicates the presence of terpenoids | ++ |
Phenolic compounds | Phenolic compound was confirmed by the development of a greenish black color | +++ |
Alkaloids | Formation of pale-yellow precipitate indicates the presence of alkaloids in the sample | +++ |
Glycoside | A reddish brown colour indicated the presence of the steroidal ring, i.e., the glycone portion of the glycoside | + |
Key: +++ indicates the presence of very intensive compounds, ++ indicates the presence of intensive compounds, + indicates the presence of less intensive compounds, − absent.