Fig. 5. KIT counteracts tumor-suppressive TGFβ-signaling.
A Histological images of p-SMAD2 in s.c. tumors and corresponding quantification. B Schematic overview of the regenerative capacity assay, in which 1000 single cells are seeded in CRC culture medium or A83-01 depleted medium. The number of organoids are counted after two weeks. C Quantification of the regenerative capacity assay as described in (B), at least two different experiments with three technical replicates in each. D t-SNE projection of RNA-sequencing data of in vitro PDOs, grown in CRC culture medium (control) or TGFBRi-depleted (A83-01 omission) medium. E Bar plot showing fold change of “Epithelial cell apoptotic process (GO: 1904019)”. F A “TGFB-response” gene set is generated by using the k-means algorithm and clustering the CMS-3232 cohort into three groups, defined by low-, intermediate- and high expression for the hallmark TGFB-signaling signature. The score for the top 25 genes upregulated in the TGFB-High group is assessed in the RNA-sequencing data of the regenerative capacity assay in (C). An unpaired t-test was applied to assess the significance between the groups.