Representative images of tissue sections of wounds treated with (A) 1 w% SLan, (B) 4 w% SLan, (C) K2, (D) Puramatrix and (E) PBS at day 31 contrasting the quality of regeneration at the tissue level. Both of H&E and MT stained tissue sections show complete wound closure at dermal gap (referring to regenerated dermal tissue site located at the center of histology images) at terminal explant (scale bars = 100 μm). (F,G) magnified sections of 1w% SLan H&E and MT stained sections show re-epithelialization, red blood cells, infiltrating vessels and neovasculature indicated by arrows (scale bars = 300 μm) (H) Blood vessels were observed and quantified in the granulation tissue using MT staining and counting of all groups - with significantly higher vessel density for SLan samples (n=8, *p<0.05).