Fig. 4.
Imaging and histopathological findings of cases with discordance between PSMA PET/MRI and mpMRI findings. Each line corresponds to one patient. From left to right: mpMRI readout, DWI, T2-w, PSMA PET/MRI readout, fusion PSMA PET/MRI and template biopsy map. Readouts:.lesions in red were classified by the readers as suspicious while the ones in green were classified as non-suspicious. Template biopsy maps: red dots correspond to GS ≥ 3 + 4 biopsy cores and blue dots to GS 3 + 3. A The lesion in the left posterior quadrant was depicted on both mpMRI and PSMA PET, corresponding to csPCa on template biopsy, but the two lesions in the right quadrants were only seen on PSMA PET (arrow in the anterior one). B PSMA PET and mpMRI were concordant regarding the lesions in the anterior right and posterior left quadrants but the apex lesion crossing the midline to the posterior right quadrant was only seen on PSMA PET (arrow). C The lesion in the right posterior quadrant was seen on mpMRI but not on PSMA PET because physiological uptake in the central zones impaired the visual analysis