Conduit connects the juxtacanalicular region to collector channel ostia and its hinged flap. Merged CD31 (red), DAPI (blue), and 1-µm fluorescent microsphere (green) channels. (A) This 3D stack is 15 µm. A funnel-shaped region of the inner wall of Schlemm’s canal (SC) narrows to form an SC inlet valve-like structure (SIV). The SIV spans across SC and attaches to a septum (S) (double arrows). This septum has an unattached edge at a CC. In the cross section, it appears as a flap-like extension (FLE). The FLE is hinged at its scleral attachment. In this preparation, the open configuration of the collector channel ostia (CCO) provides communication between SC, CCO, SIV distal opening, and a circumferential deep scleral plexus (CDSP). The hinged flap can open or close, enabling it to function as a SC outlet valve. Green fluorescent microspheres (indented arrowheads) are at the SC internal wall, aggregate in the juxtacanalicular region, and are present in the SIV lumen. (B–D) represent the boxed area indicated in (A). Serial non-stacked Z-axis images reveal that the SIV contains a continuous lumen extending from the juxtacanalicular region (JCR) across SC, passing directly through a septum where a distal opening (DO) enters the region of a (CCO). Asterisk indicates an outline of parallel endothelial cells on the undersurface of a septum. TM—trabecular meshwork and (F)—funnel-shaped region Supplementary Video S3 #40RIT13.