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. 2022 Jul 4;13:897257. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.897257


Basis parameters of the study participants.

VNS (n = 5) SOC (n = 5)
Age (in years)
 Mean 55.6 53.2
 Min-Max 42–68 43–64
 Standard deviation 8.69 7.83
40% female 60% female
60% male 40% male
 Hypertension 60% 40%
 Obesity 80% 80%
 Mean BMI 35.32 33.22
 Diabetes 40% 60%
 Chronic artery disease 20% 0%
 Chronic renal failure 20% 0%
 Chronic lung disease 0% 0%
 Thyroid disease 0% 20%
 Active cancer 0% 0%
 Hematological Disease 0% 0%
 Rheumatological disease 0% 20%
 Current Smoking 20% 0%
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination 0% 0%
Virus variant 80% B.1.617.2 (Delta) 20% unknown 100% B.1.617.2 (Delta)
Time between symptom onset and ICU admission (in days)
 Mean 9.60 7.80
 Min-Max 7–16 5–12
 Standard deviation 3.26 2.64
Time between symptom onset and study Inclusion (in days)
 Mean 10.4 8.4
 Min-Max 8–17 6–12
 Standard deviation 3.32 2.06
Need of non-invasive ventilation at time of study inclusion 80% 80%
Horowitz Index at time of study inclusion
 Mean 124.7 103.8
 Min-Max 69.8–190.7 65.6–180
 Standard deviation 46.95 40.81
Length of aVNS (in days)
 Mean 12
 Min-Max 3–18
 Standard deviation 6.23
 Corticosteroids 100% 100%
 Other immunosuppressive agents 0% 0%
 Antimicrobial therapy 80% 80%