Analysis | Positive cell group | Negative cell group |
Cell cycle phases (Cui et al., 2020) (G01, G1S, S, G2M, M, and MG1) | Fetal cardiomyocytes | Naïve-P56 cardiomyocytes |
Cardiomyocyte adrenergic signaling (KEGG: Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes, 2021) | CM9* | CM8* |
Cardiac muscle contraction (Mouse Genome Informatics, 2021b) | CM9 | CM8 |
Cardiac muscle cell development (Gene Ontology: Cardiac Muscle Cell Development, 2021) | CM8 | CM9 |
Positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell proliferation (Mouse Genome Informatics, 2021c) | CM8 | CM9 |
Positive regulation of cardiac muscle tissue growth (Mouse Genome Informatics, 2021d) | CM8 | CM9 |
Glycolysis (Glycolysis, 2021) | CM8 | CM9 |
Beta fatty acid oxidation (Mouse Genomic Informatics, 2021b) | CM9 | CM8 |
*The CM8 and CM9 clusters were exclusively associated with cardiomyocytes from Fetal and CTL-P56 hearts, respectively.