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. 2021 Sep 3;188(1):37–45. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.62485


Summary of hierarchical multivariate regression analysis on relationship between medical, welfare, and educational challenges and parental psychological distress among subsamples (N = 84)

Adjusted Model 1 Adjusted Model 2
Yes 95% CI 95% CI
N (%) β Lower Upper p β Lower Upper p
Medical challenges
Difficulty of going to multiple medical institutions 23 (24.0) 0.293 0.073 0.514 0.010 0.273 0.048 0.499 0.018
Welfare challenges
Total number of welfare challenges, mean (SD) 4.8 (4.1) 0.335 0.110 0.559 0.004 0.323 0.099 0.548 0.005
Lack of consultants and contacts regarding financial support systems 20 (20.8) 0.322 0.103 0.541 0.005 0.339 0.121 0.556 0.003
Lack of consultants and contacts regarding development‐related support such as rehabilitation 30 (31.2) 0.247 0.020 0.473 0.033 0.245 0.020 0.470 0.033
Lack of knowledge on the part of supporters (welfare facility personnel and government personnel) regarding 22q11.2 deletion syndrome 40 (41.7) 0.289 0.067 0.510 0.011 0.280 0.058 0.501 0.014
No daycare center suitable for the characteristics and traits of the individual with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome 20 (20.8) 0.394 0.175 0.613 0.001 0.378 0.156 0.601 0.001
Unable to go to the daycare center even if one is available 8 (8.3) 0.246 0.023 0.469 0.031 0.234 0.010 0.457 0.041
Lack of home care/visiting services 7 (7.3) 0.356 0.130 0.582 0.002 0.338 0.108 0.568 0.005
No support available when parents are exhausted and need a respite 19 (19.8) 0.498 0.294 0.701 0.000 0.487 0.283 0.691 0.000
Educational challenges
Total number of educational challenges, mean (SD) 3.3 (3.1) 0.288 0.066 0.510 0.012 0.269 0.043 0.495 0.020
No educational institutions suitable for the individual's characteristics/traits 19 (19.8) 0.239 0.014 0.465 0.038 0.227 0.001 0.453 0.049
The regular class teachers were unhelpful 6 (6.2) 0.303 0.085 0.521 0.007 0.292 0.074 0.510 0.009
The special class teachers were unhelpful 7 (7.3) 0.287 0.058 0.515 0.015 0.270 0.040 0.500 0.022
Refusal to attend school 5 (5.2) 0.308 0.072 0.544 0.011 0.292 0.054 0.530 0.017
Participating in extracurricular lessons and activities 9 (9.4) 0.345 0.128 0.562 0.002 0.338 0.122 0.555 0.003
Communicating with the home room teacher 9 (9.4) 0.283 0.057 0.508 0.015 0.261 0.030 0.492 0.027
Change of home room teacher 6 (6.2) 0.307 0.085 0.529 0.007 0.289 0.050 0.528 0.019

Note: Bold represents statistically significant. Adjusted Model 1: multivariate regression analysis adjusting parental age, parental sex, family income, marital status, child age, and child sex. Adjusted Model 2: multivariate regression analysis adjusting parental age, parental sex, family income, marital status, child age, child sex, and total number of child's comorbidities.

Abbreviations: β, standardized regression coefficient; CI, confidence interval.