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. 2021 May 17;55(9-10):2851–2894. doi: 10.1111/ejn.15239


Potential circulating cytokine biomarkers of stress and mood disorders

Marker Disorder Changes Clinical symptoms References
IL‐1β (interleukin‐1) BD Positive correlation with depressive symptoms (IDS‐30 score) a Rao et al. (2010) and Vares et al., (2020)
Euthymic phase Vares et al., (2020)
Manic Phase Ortiz‐Domínguez et al., (2007)
MDD Positive correlation with severity of the symptoms (HAM‐D) Osimo et al., (2020) and Das et al. (2021)
PTSD ↑/— Waheed et al. (2018)

Negative correlation with HIPP volume

Inflammation load (high IL‐1β and IL‐6) correlates with symptom severity (re‐experiencing, arousal, CAPS and MADRS scores)

Zimmerman et al. (2012)
IL‐4 (interleukin‐4) BD ↑/↓

Contradictions on manic phase

Increase in euthymic phase

Kim et al., (2007), Ortiz‐Domínguez et al., (2007), and Brietzke, Kauer‐Sant’Anna, et al., (2009)
MDD Decreases in suicide patients Osimo et al., (2020) and Yuan et al., (2019)
PTSD N/A Guo et al., (2012)
Yuan et al., (2019)
IL‐6 (interleukin‐6) BD Manic and depressive phase, correlates with irritability and aggressivity in manic phase Kim et al., (2007) and Brietzke, Kauer‐Sant’Anna, et al., (2009)
Acute and remission phases Pantović‐Stefanović et al., (2018)
MDD No association with depressive symptoms Köhler et al., (2017) and Osimo et al., (2020)
Mahajan et al., (2018)
Associated with symptom severity (HAM‐D) Carboni et al., (2019)
PTSD Brahmajothi and Abou‐Donia (2020)
Anhedonia and avoidance correlation with PFC activation in patients with high levels, correlation with self‐reported resilience Mehta et al., (2020)
TNF‐α (tumor necrosis factor alpha) BD

Manic phase Kim et al., (2007), Goldsmith et al. (2016), and Brietzke, Stertz, et al. (2009)
Euthymic and depressive phase Goldsmith et al. (2016) and Vares et al., (2020)
Acute and remission phases Pantović‐Stefanović et al., (2018)
MDD Köhler et al., (2017) and Osimo et al., (2020)
Correlation with symptoms severity (HAM‐D) Das et al. (2021)
PTSD Correlation with self‐reported resilience O'Donovan, Chao et al. (2015), Imai et al., (2019), and Brahmajothi and Abou‐Donia (2020)
CRP (C‐reactive protein) BD Manic phase Evers et al. (2019)
No changes in all phases Balukova et al. (2016)

Correlation with depression symptom severity (BDI‐II).

Correlates with reduced functional connectivity of AMY and PFC (in comorbid PTSD or anxiety only)

Powers et al. (2019) and Mehta et al., (2018)
Significant association: baseline CRP and treatment (venlafaxine) response (HAM‐D), ♂ Carboni et al., (2019)

Negatively correlates with mPFC activation

Positively correlates with dissociation symptoms, correlates with PTSD symptoms (CAPS)

Mehta et al., (2020) and Powers et al. (2019)
Michopoulos et al. (2015)
Positive correlation with disease severity (re‐experiencing and arousal) Farr et al., (2015)

Abbreviations: BDI‐II, Beck Depression Inventory‐II; CAPS, Clinician‐Administered PTSD Scale;HAM‐D, Hamilton depression rating scale; HC, healthy controls; IDS‐30, Inventory of Depressive Symptoms; MADRS, Montgomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale.


All markers measured in the blood, with the exception of one measurement from frontal cortex (post‐mortem tissue) (Rao et al., 2010).