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. 2021 Jul 26;18(6):1119–1127. doi: 10.1002/alz.12441


Likelihood of a positive pre‐screening result based on sex, initiative, age, and country

Positive pre‐screening  Negative pre‐screening   
N % n % Odds Ratio b 95% CI P > |z|
Female a 634 56.2 1041 60.6 1
Male 486 43.0 660 38.4 1.11 (0.95‐1.30) 0.19
Unknown 9 0.8 17 1.0 0.75 (0.33‐1.74) 0.51
RUN 1 (WB) a 547 48.4 940 54.7 1
RUN 2 (OHI) 235 20.8 426 24.8 1.09 (0.87‐1.36) 0.45
RUN 3 (PC) 193 17.1 242 14.1 1.46 (1.15‐1.85) <0.01
RUN 4 (DC) 154 13.6 110 6.4 2.24 (1.70‐2.95) <0.01
Slovenia 359 31.8 533 31.0 2.10 (1.54‐2.86) <0.01
Spain 377 33.4 466 27.1 2.23 (1.64‐3.02) <0.01
Sweden 127 11.2 254 14.8 1.20 (0.86‐1.68) 0.28
Netherlands 176 15.6 234 13.6 2.12 (1.54‐2.91) <0.01
Germany a 90 8.0 231 13.4 1    
Age category
65‐69 years a 406 36.0 829 48.3 1    
70‐74 years 334 29.6 435 25.3 1.53 (1.26‐1.85) <0.01
75‐79 years 235 20.8 298 17.3 1.61 (1.29‐2.00) <0.01
80‐85 years 154 13.6 156 9.1 2.03 (1.56‐2.65) <0.01

Baseline category.


Estimates adjusted for all variables in the table obtained using a logistic regression model.