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. 2021 Aug 24;20(1):145–166. doi: 10.1111/idh.12512


A descriptive summary of statistical significance levels of the difference between DM patients compared to non‐DM with regard to number of teeth

Study Exposure Number of teeth significance Comparison
1. Shin et al 2017 DM ? non‐DM
2. Greenblatt et al 2016 DM ? non‐DM
3. Costa et al 2011/2013 DM + non‐DM
4. Patel et al 2013 DM + non‐DM
5. Botero et al 2012 DM + non‐DM
6. Sensorn et al 2012 DM + non‐DM
7. Kaur et al 2009 DM ? non‐DM
8. Patiño‐Marín et al 2008 DM + non‐DM
9. Bacic et al 1989 DM + non‐DM
10. Falk et al 1989 DM ? non‐DM

6/10 have significant less teeth

0/10 no significant difference

4/0 do not specified

?, unclear/not specified; 0, no difference; +, DM patients have significantly less teeth than non‐DM.