Astrocytes regulate and are controlled by neural circuits and animal
behavior. Animal behavior activates a subset of local excitatory, inhibitory,
and projection neurons, leading to the release of diverse molecular signals.
Astrocytes are thought to spatially and temporally integrate these time-varying
signals in their environment, with calcium and/or PKA playing central roles in
this process. Signal integration also involves intermediate signals, such as
reactive oxygen species (ROS), IP3, cAMP, and IRBIT. Astrocyte
excitation, in turn, is thought to modulate neural circuit function (e.g.,
network state, excitation-inhibition balance, synaptic strength, or number)
through different mechanisms (e.g., extracellular ion regulation, neuroactive
factor release, perisynaptic process structure) and on various timescales
(second to minutes) (see also Figures
2–3). Abbreviations: Ado,
adenosine; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; Glu, glutamate; IP3,
inositol-trisphosphate; IRBIT, IP3 receptor-binding protein released
with IP3; PKA, protein kinase A