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. 2021 Sep 8;46(2):296–305. doi: 10.1111/aor.14061


Brief description of survey cases (for a full description see Supporting Information)

Donor issues Recipient issues MP1 Transplanted Outcome
Case 1 78‐yo DBD with 20% macrosteatosis None NMP Yes Dead at 6 months due to HCC recurrence; no ITBL
Case 2 63‐yo DBD with 40% macrosteatosis MELD = 20; BMI = 33 D‐HOPE Yes Retransplanted on POD 31st; dead at 3 months due to HHV8 infection
Case 3 49‐yo type II DCD with 35‐minutes asystolic WIT MELD = 21 NRP + D‐HOPE Yes Alive at 12 months; no ITBL
Case 4 56‐yo type III DCD with 49‐minutes fWIT None NRP + D‐HOPE Yes Alive at 10 months; no ITBL
Case 5 52‐yo DBD with elevated liver enzymes None D‐HOPE Yes Alive at 14 months; no ITBL
Case 6 42‐yo DBD with steatotic appearance None D‐HOPE Yes Alive at 14 months; no ITBL
Case 7 76‐yo DBD with elevated liver enzymes HBV‐related ALF; MELD = 41 NMP Yes Alive at 20 months; no ITBL
Case 8 12‐yo DBD with elevated liver enzymes None D‐HOPE Yes Alive at 21 months; isolated S6 duct ITBL + anastomotic stricture
Case 9 21‐yo type II DCD with 31‐minutes asystolic WIT None NRP + NMP No Na
Case 10 96‐yo DBD None D‐HOPE Yes Alive at 2.5 years; no ITBL

Abbreviations: ALF, acute liver failure; BMI, body mass index; DBD, donation after brain death; DCD, donation after circulatory death; D‐HOPE, dual hypothermic oxygenated machine perfusion; fWIT, functional warm ischemia time; HBV, hepatitis B virus; ITBL, ischemic‐type biliary lesion; MELD, model for end‐stage liver disease; MP, machine perfusion; Na, not applicable; NMP, normothermic machine perfusion; NRP, normothermic regional perfusion; WIT, warm ischemia time.


Choice of machine perfusion technique at the promoting center.