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. 2021 Aug 20;93(1):134–149. doi: 10.1111/cdev.13642


Neuropsychological battery. Investigated competencies, tests, subtests, and the timing (T0, T1, T2) of administration are reported. Visuospatial and Verbal Working Memory (WM) and mathematical skills are tested only at T2

Investigated competences Tests and subtests Time‐points
Fluid reasoning Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices (RCPM) T0, T1, T2
Visuospatial abilities NEPSY‐II, Block Construction (VS) T0, T1, T2
Fine motor abilities NEPSY‐II, Imitating Hand Positions (FM) T0, T1, T2
Linguistic/narrative competence I‐BST, Information Scores (IS) T0, T1, T2
I‐BST, Sentence Length (SL) T0, T1, T2
I‐BST, Subordinate Clauses (SC) T0, T1, T2
Visuospatial WM NEPSY‐II, Memory for Designs (MD) T2
Verbal WM NEPSY‐II, Sentence Repetition (SR) T2
Basic mathematical skills TEDI‐MATH T2