Docking visualization of two novel molecules binding on CA9 protein surface. Both molecules ranked top on BAS in the high-quality samples of their final population. (A) shows the molecule COc1ccc (C2CCN(C(=O)C3COc4ccc(F)cc4C3)C2)cc1 binding to the binding site of CA9 protein. It was generated by FragVAE+DEL and has a binding affinity score of −9.3 (SAS: 2.892, logP: 3.402). (B) shows the molecule O=C1Nc2cc(C(=O)NCCc3nnc(-c4ccccc4)o3)ccc2C1=O binding to the binding site of CA9. It was discovered by JTVAE+DEL and has a binding affinity score of −8.1 (SAS: 2.562, logP: 1.844).