Subscales | <1 year old | 1–2 years old | 3–6 years old | Total |
Number | 5 | 10 | 12 | 27 |
Total | 110 (80, 150) | 117 (93, 133) | 109 (94, 133) | 111 (80, 150) |
Physical motor | 100 (20, 130) | 97 (84, 125) | 96 (70, 113) | 99 (20, 130) |
Manipulation | 110 (80, 125) | 109 (86, 133) | 116 (88, 150) | 111 (80, 150) |
Receptive language | 114 (89, 200) | 125 (97, 158) | 104 (90, 151) | 117 (89, 200) |
Expressive language | 100 (80, 200) | 111 (91, 125) | 109 (84, 145) | 110 (80, 200) |
Language concepts | ‐ | 132 (103, 285) | 114 (94, 133) | 117 (94, 285) |
Social relationships with children | ‐ | 121 (84, 158) | 96 (85, 128) | 104 (84, 158) |
Social relationships with adults | 100 (86, 175) | 120 (79, 150) | 105 (83, 146) | 106 (79, 175) |
Discipline | ‐ | 130 (72, 142) | 106 (74, 140) | 110 (72, 142) |
Feeding | 100 (80, 133) | 100 (72, 137) | ‐ | 100 (72, 137) |
Note: Data are shown as the Median (minimum, maximum). Language concepts, social relationships with children and discipline were assessed in children who were ≥1 year old. Feeding was assessed in children who were ≤2 years old. The developmental quotients are adjusted by gestational age at birth in the children <36 months old.
Abbreviations: KIDS, Kinder Infant Development Scale; RFA, radiofrequency ablation.