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. 2021 Sep 25;41(12):1575–1581. doi: 10.1002/pd.6048


Developmental quotient in the children after RFA assessed by the KIDS

Subscales <1 year old 1–2 years old 3–6 years old Total
Number 5 10 12 27
Total 110 (80, 150) 117 (93, 133) 109 (94, 133) 111 (80, 150)
Physical motor 100 (20, 130) 97 (84, 125) 96 (70, 113) 99 (20, 130)
Manipulation 110 (80, 125) 109 (86, 133) 116 (88, 150) 111 (80, 150)
Receptive language 114 (89, 200) 125 (97, 158) 104 (90, 151) 117 (89, 200)
Expressive language 100 (80, 200) 111 (91, 125) 109 (84, 145) 110 (80, 200)
Language concepts 132 (103, 285) 114 (94, 133) 117 (94, 285)
Social relationships with children 121 (84, 158) 96 (85, 128) 104 (84, 158)
Social relationships with adults 100 (86, 175) 120 (79, 150) 105 (83, 146) 106 (79, 175)
Discipline 130 (72, 142) 106 (74, 140) 110 (72, 142)
Feeding 100 (80, 133) 100 (72, 137) 100 (72, 137)

Note: Data are shown as the Median (minimum, maximum). Language concepts, social relationships with children and discipline were assessed in children who were ≥1 year old. Feeding was assessed in children who were ≤2 years old. The developmental quotients are adjusted by gestational age at birth in the children <36 months old.

Abbreviations: KIDS, Kinder Infant Development Scale; RFA, radiofrequency ablation.