Figure 1.
Tumour formation in Msh2‐LS mice. Bar chart of the numbers of Msh2‐LS mice that developed large intestinal tumours (both adenomas and adenocarcinomas) after receiving either 20% ethanol or standard drinking water. 15/23 (65%) ethanol‐treated induced Msh2‐LS mice developed large intestinal tumours compared with 1/23 (4%) water‐treated induced Msh2‐LS mice; Fisher's exact test, ****p < 0.0001. In both groups of non‐induced Msh2‐LS mice (water‐treated and ethanol‐treated), 1/12 (8.4%) non‐induced Msh2‐LS control mice developed colonic neoplasms; Fisher's exact test, no significant differences observed. Comparison of the tumour‐bearing ethanol‐treated induced Msh2‐LS mice with ethanol‐treated non‐induced Msh2‐LS mice showed a significant difference in the development of large intestinal tumours; Fisher's exact test, ΔΔ p = 0.0016.