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. 2021 Jul 8;68(6):2936–2948. doi: 10.1111/tbed.14204


PCV‐3 PCR detection in pigs suffering from neurological disorders

% (and proportion) of PCR positivity
Clinical signs/lesions Production phase Tested samples Diseased animals Healthy animals Country Reference
Neurological signs Suckling Tissue pool 100.0% (1/1)* NI USA Phan et al., 2016
Congenital tremors Suckling Brain 100.0% (7/7) NI China Chen et al., 2017
Congenital tremors, neurological signs in piglets after birth and multisystemic inflammation/non‐suppurative encephalomyelitis Suckling Brain, other tissues 100.0% (3/3) NI UK Williamson et al., 2021
Tremors, weak‐born neonatal piglets/myocarditis, encephalitis, gliosis and lymphocytic perivascular cuffing Suckling Brain, other tissues 100.0% (2/2) NI USA Arruda et al., 2019

*NGS results.

NA: non‐available information in the published manuscript; NI: not included in the published manuscript.