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. 2021 Jul 26;38(2):187–209. doi: 10.1002/smi.3081


Results for the moderator analyses on blood pressure

Moderator N samples N ES B 0 (95% CI) t 0 B 1 (95% CI) t 1 F (df1, df2) p
Intervention characteristics
Component mindfulness F (1, 82) = 46.824 <0.001
Yes (RC) 6 52 0.859 (0.489 to 1.230) 4.619***
No 10 32 −0.335 (−0.663 to 0.008) −2.038* −1.195 (−1.542 to 0.848) −6.843***
Component relaxation F (1, 82) = 44.734 <0.001
Yes (RC) 11 66 0.531 (0.151 to 0.911) 2.778**
No 5 18 −0.702 (−1.134 to 0.269) −3.227** −1.233 (−1.599 to 0.866) −6.693***
Component yoga F (1, 82) = 8.617 0.004
Yes (RC) 3 14 −0.271 (−0.602 to 0.061) −1.623 2.936**
No 13 70 0.254 (0.125 to 0.383) 3.925*** 0.525 (0.169 to 0.881)
Component cognitive‐behavioural F (1, 82) = 44.734 <0.001
Yes (RC) 8 36 −0.463 (−0.866 to 0.060) −2.285*
No 8 48 0.757 (0.344 to 1.170) 3.647*** 1.220 (0.857 to 1.583) 6.688***
Intensity (continuous) 16 84 0.209 (−0.211 to 0.629) 0.989 0.001 (0.001 to 0.001) 6.322*** F (1, 82) = 39.972 <0.001
Sample characteristics
Target group F (1, 82) = 0.862 0.356
Selected (RC) 5 36 0.252 (0.041 to 0.463) 2.372*
Non‐selected 11 48 0.124 (−0.050 to 0.298) 1.414 −0.128 (−0.402 to 0.146) −0.928
% Boys (continuous) 15 80 0.180 (0.035 to 0.324) 2.467* −0.002 (−0.010 to 0.006) −0.409 F (1, 78) = 0.167 0.684
% Minorities (continuous) 12 74 0.190 (0.052 to 0.327) 2.754** 0.005 (−0.000 to 0.011) 1.838 F (1, 72) = 3.379 0.070
Mean age (continuous) 16 84 0.180 (0.057 to 0.304) 2.906** 0.063 (−0.002 to 0.128) 1.916 F (1, 82) = 3.672 0.059
Study characteristics
Type of BP measurement F (1, 82) = 1.186 0.279
SBP (RC) 16 42 0.241 (0.056 to 0.425) 2.591*
DBP 16 42 0.106 (−0.079 to 0.290) 1.138 −0.135 (−0.381 to 0.112) −1.089
Stress outcome measure F (1, 81) = 2.042 0.136
Basal functioning (RC) 12 28 0.132 (−0.082 to 0.346) 1.227
Ambulatory monitoring 5 42 0.286 (0.116 to 0.455) 3.354** 0.154 (−0.119 to 0.427) 1.120
Stress reactivity 3 14 −0.076 (−0.407 to 0.256) −0.453 −0.208 (−0.602 to 0.187) −1.046
Publication year (continuous) 16 84 0.169 (0.026 to 0.313) 2.346* −0.001 (−0.017 to 0.015) −0.121 F (1, 82) = 0.015 0.904
Study design F (1, 82) = 5.488 0.022
(Cluster) RCT (RC) 14 80 0.212 (0.082–0.342) 3.235**
Quasi‐experimental 2 4 −0.521 (−1.130 to 0.088) −1.703 −0.733 (−1.356 to 0.111) −2.343*
Comparison condition F (1, 82) = 0.986 0.324
Passive control (RC) 6 16 0.048 (−0.240 to 0.336) 0.333
Active control 10 68 0.211 (0.058 to 0.364) 2.743** 0.163 (−0.163 to 0.489) 0.993
Timing of outcome measurement F (1, 82) = 0.605 0.439
Post‐intervention 10 58 0.198 (0.032 to 0.364) 2.371*
Follow‐up 6 22 0.085 (−0.169 to 0.340) 0.667 −0.112 (−0.400 to 0.175) −0.778
Study quality (continuous) 16 84 0.176 (0.036 to 0.316) 2.505* 0.022 (−0.033 to 0.077) 0.801 F (1, 82) = 0.642 0.425

Abbreviations: B 0, mean effect size Cohen's d; BP, blood pressure; CI, confidence interval; B 1, estimated regression coefficient; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; F‐value, omnibus test of regression coefficients; N ES, number of effect sizes; N samples, number of independent samples; p, p‐value of omnibus test; RC, reference category; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SBP, systolic blood pressure; t‐values, difference in mean d with zero

*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.