Composition of formalin fixative |
1.6. For buffering formalin fixative, a neutral buffered solution should preferably be used; avoid acidic or unbuffered solutions (C). |
1.7. A 10% solution (3.7% formaldehyde) should preferably be used as a formalin fixative (C). |
Optimal fixation time |
1.8. Following the recommendations in several CDx guidelines (Table 3), tissue specimens (surgically or endoscopically resected specimens and biopsy specimens) should be fixed for 6−48 h (C) (Figures 3 and 4 and 6 ). |
1.9. Sample quality deteriorates due to inadequate fixation; therefore, insufficient fixation and over fixation should be avoided (N). |
Optimal volume of fixative for formalin fixation |
1.10.Ten times the sample volume per tissue should be used for formalin fixation (C). |
1.11.Formalin fixation can be performed at room temperature (C). |