Measures used and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) domains of impairment
Domain | Subdomain | Measure |
Growth | Height below 9th percentile and weight below 9th percentile, medical history | |
Face | Photographic measurements using 4‐digit FAS Facial Measurement software | |
Central Nervous System | Brain | OFC below 2nd centile, medical history, or brain scan report |
Hard/ soft neurological signs |
SSP defined differences in 2 or more domains History of formally diagnosed motor disorder, for example, dyspraxia History of epilepsy or other neurological issues (from medical history) |
Communication | CCC−2, Vineland communication domain. Defined by abnormality >1.5 standard deviations below the mean | |
Cognition | WISC‐V: Full‐Scale IQ 2 standard deviations from norm or 2 standard deviations between different subdomains | |
Executive function |
BRIEF overall score: score above clinical cutoff range NEPSY executive function domain Score 1.5 standard deviations from norm or 2 standard deviations between subdomains |
Memory | WISC‐V, NEPSY memory domain | |
Attention |
SDQ attention domain scores above clinical cutoffs NEPSY attention domain |
Adaptive behavior, social skills | SCQ (score above 15), SDQ (score above clinical cutoff), Vineland social domain, Vineland daily living skills domain (both scores 1.5 standard deviations from mean) | |
Academic | Teacher report, below average level, has EHC Plan | |
Alcohol consumption of birth mother | History information sheet |
Abbreviations: BRIEF, Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function; CCC‐2, Communication Checklist for Children; EHC Plan, Education, Health and Care Plan; FAS, fetal alcohol syndrome. IQ, Intelligence Quota; NEPSY, NEuroPSYchological Assessment; OFC, occipital frontal circumference; SSP, short sensory profile; SCQ, Social Communication Questionnaire; SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; WISC‐V, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth UK Edition.