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. 2021 Aug 4;20(2):318–327. doi: 10.1111/idh.12521


Mean (SD) and range of clinical measured variables at T0 (at evaluation following APT) and T1 (at evaluation of SPT) and comparison of the mean differences of clinical measured variables between T0 (at evaluation following APT) and T1 (at evaluation of SPT).

T0 (n = 993) T1 (n = 993) Effect SPT (T0‐1) (n = 993) p‐valuea
Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range
Number of teeth 25.08 (3.72) 2.0–32.0 24.24 (4.03) 2.0–32.0 −0.84 (1.60) −14 – 0 ≤ 0.001
Number of pockets >5 mm 2.84 (4.16) 0.0–34.0 3.61 (5.35) 0.0–45.0 0.77 (4.72) −21 – 39 ≤ 0.001
PESA (cm2) 16.38 (3.48) 3.24–30.68 16.64 (3.73) 2.94–32.35 0.26 (2.75) −13.46 – 12.56 ≤ 0.001
BOP (%) 15.97 (11.04) 0.0–87.0 20.17 (12.32) 0.0–75.0 4.20 (12.92) −53.0 – 51.0 ≤ 0.001

SPT, supportive periodontal therapy; PESA, 15 periodontal epithelial surface area, calculated per tooth; Number of pockets, recorded at six sites per tooth; BOP, 26 bleeding on probing, recorded at six sites per tooth; SD, standard deviation in parenthesis.


Wilcoxon test.