Trait probability densities (TPD) showing the functional trait combinations of species populations along an axis of hydraulic safety and efficiency trade‐off (hs‐he, PC1 36.75% explained variance) and an axis of investment in tissues (it, PC2 24.57% explained variance). (a) TPD where each species at each plot has an equivalent weight (grey points). (b) TPD where each species population is rescaled by its equivalent biomass in each plot (dark green points and tree silhouettes represent evergreen species and light green points and tree silhouettes deciduous species). Functional traits: Fibre wall thickness (FWT, µm), hydraulically weighted diameter (dh, µm), leaf area (LA, mm2), leaf dry matter content (LDMC, mg g−1), leaf thickness (Lth, mm), maximum vessel area (VAmax, µm2), pit area (PA, µm2), pit diameter aperture (DApit, µm), specific leaf area (SLA, mm2 mg−1), vessel area (VA, µm2), vessel density (VD, vessels mm−2), wood density (WD, g cm3), wood anhydrous density (WD0, g cm3), water content at maximum capacity (WCmax, kg kg−1), and xylem potential hydraulic conductivity (Ks, kg m−1 s−1 MPa−1). Functional Richness (FRic). Examples of species with different functional trait combinations in TDF: Anacardium excelsum (Aex), Aspidosperma polyneuron (Apo), Astronium graveolens (Agr), Cavanillesia platanifolia (Cpl), Cecropia peltate (Cpe), Eugenia procera (Epr), Gustavia superba (Gsu), Machaerium capote (Mca), Pradosia colombiana (Pco), Prosopis juliflora (Pju), Pseudobombax septenatum (Pse), Randia armata (Rar), Spondias mombin (Smo), Trichilia oligofoliolata (Tol), Trichilia elegans (Tel), Urera simplex (Usi), Zanthoxylum rhoifolium (Zrh).