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. 2020 Dec 14;24(3):451–463. doi: 10.1111/ele.13659

Table 1.

Description of the selected functional traits, trait functional dimensions, mean–ranges and global reference ranges

Trait (abbreviation) Units Description Trait function (dimension)

Trait mean ± SD


Reference range References
Fibre wall thickness (FWT) µm

a Double wall between adjacent fibres

b Resistance of internal and external stresses

c Greater walls, higher hydraulic safety

Water exploitative safety (wood)

5.54 ± 1.52


4–12 Madsen and Gamstedt (2013); Scholz et al. (2013); Sorieul et al. (2016)
Hydraulically weighted diameter (dh) µm

a Sum of circle conduits diameters d divided by the number of conduits N in a surface area d4N0.25

b Conductance of conduits

c Larger weighted diameters, higher hydraulic efficiency

Water exploitative efficiency (wood)

58.64 ± 22.39


1–300 Scholz et al. (2013); Rosell et al. (2017)
Leaf area (LA) mm2

a Projected area of a leaf

b Light interception, energy and water balance

c Larger LA, cheaper tissues and high water demands

Investment in tissues

Water exploitative efficiency (leaves)

1.25 × 104 ± 2.15 × 104

(1.05 × 103–5.77 × 104)

1–>20×106 Pérez‐Harguindeguy et al. (2013); Díaz et al. (2016)
Leaf dry matter content (LDMC) mg g−1

a Dry mass per unit of lamina surface area

b Tissue investments and carbon‐gain strategies

c Higher LDMC, robust tissues

Investment in tissues (leaves)

379.38 ± 91.31


50–700 Pérez‐Harguindeguy et al. (2013); Díaz et al. (2016)
Leaf thickness (Lth) Mm

a Leaf mesophilic density (or thickness)

b Physical strength and leaf longevity

c Thicker leaves, higher tissue investments

Investment in tissues (leaves)

0.21 ± 0.06


0.11–0.74 Pérez‐Harguindeguy et al. (2013); Onoda et al. (2011)
Maximum vessel area (VAmax) µm2

a Average conduit surface area of the last VA percentile (>75, Q3–Q4)

b Hydraulically efficiency

c Greater conduits, higher water flows but higher conduits embolism risk

Water exploitative efficiency (wood)

2942.59 ± 2623.32


7853–31415 IAWA et al. (2007); Scholz et al. (2013)
Pit area (PA) µm2

a Pit aperture surface area

b Air–water interfaces for conduits

c Larger pits, higher water flows but higher conduits embolism risk

Water exploitative efficiency (wood)

19.68 ± 16.30


12–78 IAWA et al. (2007); Scholz et al. (2013)
Pit diameter aperture (DApit) µm

a Horizontal pit membrane diameter

b Embolism resistance inter‐conduits

c Smaller and denser pits, higher hydraulic safety

Water exploitative

safety (wood)

2.90 ± 1.19


0.5–7 Scholz et al. (2013); Li et al. (2016); Helmling et al. (2018)
Specific leaf area (SLA) mm2 mg−1

a Area of a fresh leaf divided by its oven‐dry mass

b Carbon capture and leaf longevity

c Higher SLA, lower tissue investments

Water exploitative efficiency (leaves)

15.39 ± 7.33


<1–300 Wright et al. (2004); Pérez‐Harguindeguy et al. (2013)
Vessel area (VA) µm2

a Average conduit surface area

b Hydraulic conductivity

c Greater conduits, higher hydraulic efficiency but lower hydraulic safety

Water exploitative efficiency and safety (wood)

1676.93 ± 1484.11


196–37600 Olson and Rosell (2013); Scholz et al. (2013)
Vessel density (VD) vessels mm−2

a Number of conduits per cross‐sectional area

b Resistance to strength and vessel implosion

c Higher density, higher hydraulic safety

Water exploitative safety (wood)

71.71 ± 50.54


1–1000 Chave et al. (2009); Scholz et al. (2013); Jacobsen et al. (2005)
Wood density (WD) g cm3

a Oven‐dry mass divided by saturated volume of the wood section

b Wood stability, aboveground biomass construction and carbon‐gain strategies

c Harder woods, lower water demands and higher tissue investments

Investment in tissues

Water exploitative safety (wood)

0.63 ± 0.15


0.1–1.2 Chave et al. (2009); Pérez‐Harguindeguy et al. (2013)
Wood anhydrous density (WD0) g cm3

a Oven‐dry mass divided by anhydrous volume of the wood section

b Wood stability

c Greater wood anhydrous densities, higher tissue investments

Investment in tissues (wood)

0.72 ± 0.17


0.1–1.5 Chave et al. (2009); Pérez‐Harguindeguy et al. (2013)
Water content at maximal capacity (WCmax) kg kg−1

a Free and fixed water capacity in cells. 1.5WD0×1.5WD0+WCfsp (Water content at fibre saturation point); WCfsp=1WD1WD0

b Shrinkage and swelling of xylem cells

c Higher water content, lower xylem mechanical resistance

Water exploitative efficiency (wood)

1.05 ± 0.61


0.2–5.0 Guevara (2001); Berry and Roderick (2005)
Xylem potential hydraulic conductivity (K p) Kg m−1 s−1 MPa−1

a Theoretical specific xylem hydraulic conductivity per cross‐sectional area. πρω128η×dh4×VD; ρω=998.2 kg m‐3; η = 1.002 × 10–9 MPa s–1; dh and VD by m units

b Water exploitation abilities

c Higher potential conductivity, higher hydraulic efficiency

Water exploitative efficiency (wood)

25.09 ± 43.78


0.3–200 Chave et al. (2009); Poorter et al. (2010); Méndez‐Alonzo et al. (2012)

Trait‐based ecology definition and method of calculation.


Trait association to functions and mechanisms of a tree.


Trait association to hydraulic safety‐efficiency trade off of a tree.