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. 2021 Aug 5;14(12):2555–2563. doi: 10.1002/aur.2587


Comparison of psychopathology, anthropometrics, muscle strength and cognitive performance between ASD patients and healthy peers

Healthy peers (N = 101 f/101 m) ASD patients (N = 139 m/35 f) F η2
ASSQ score 2.6 0.3 19.1 0.8 403.02* 0.52
SDQ score 6.8 0.4 15.8 0.4 258.48* 0.41
BSMSS score 51.1 0.9 47.5 1.1 6.23* 0.02
PPS score 3.4 0.2 4.7 0.2 19.14* 0.07
Age in y 10.3 0.2 10.5 0.2 0.55 <0.01
Height in inches 55.5 0.5 56.8 0.6 3.02 <0.01
Body mass index in kgm−2 19.0 0.3 20.0 0.4 3.96* 0.01
Curl‐up 13.3 0.7 6.8 0.7 40.40* 0.10
Push‐up 6.8 0.5 2.9 0.4 30.13* 0.08
Trunk lift 10.0 0.2 8.3 0.2 28.43* 0.07
Grip strength in kg 24.0 1.0 20.5 1.0 5.70* 0.03
Card Sorting task 99.4 1.3 88.6 1.2 36.92* 0.09
Flanker task 92.4 0.9 85.5 1.1 24.69* 0.06
List Sorting task 101.4 1.0 91.4 1.3 39.81* 0.10
Pattern Comparison task 93.8 1.6 88.9 1.7 4.62* 0.01

Abbreviations: ASSQ, autism spectrum screening questionnaire; BSMSS, Barratt simplified measure of social status; PPS, Peterson puberty scale; SDQ, strengths and difficulties questionnaire.


indicates p < 0.05.