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. 2022 Jun 13;129(7):869–911. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcac067
1a.  Anticlinal walls straight to arched, arched to S-type, S-type.
2a.  Seed shape (broadly) ovoid (shrivelled).
3a. Periclinal wall shapes concave.
4a.  Cell arrangement close.
5a.  Seed length and width 3.22–1.8 mm, dominant testa cell shape 5-edged, periclinal walls with many intermediate verrucae on edge, testa shapes 4- to 7-edged……………………………………………………….……………………………..........................................……….……………........….A. tripedale
5b.  Seed length and width 2.20–1.66 mm, dominant testa cell shape 6-edged, periclinal walls with intermediate to large verrucae, testa shapes 4- to many-edged ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….................……………………… A. prattii
4b.  Cell arrangement loose.
6a.  Periclinal walls with one large verruca in centre or intermediate to large verrucae.
7a.  Anticlinal wall straight to arched, seed length and width 2.46–2.54 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.012 mm2, seed shape broadly ovoid, periclinal wall with one large verruca in centre ……………………………………………………….…………………………...........................… A. ursinum
7b.  Anticlinal wall arched to S-type, seed length and width 3.13–1.48 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.005 mm2, seed shape ovoid (shrivelled), periclinal wall with intermediate to large verrucae ……………………………………………………….………………….......................………… A. albovianum
6b.  Periclinal walls with many small verrucae (in central area of epidermis).
8a.  Dominant testa cell shape elliptic or oblong.
9a.  Periclinal wall arched to S-type, plane to slightly concave.
10a. Seed length and width 3.45–2.37 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.04 mm2, dominant testa cell shape elliptic. ...................... A. tuberosum
10b. Seed length and width 2.72–1.39 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.011 mm2, dominant testa cell shape oblong. ...........................A. pallasii
9b.  Periclinal wall straight to arched, with marginal bulge, gradually concave from edge to centre .................................................................... A. przewalskianum
8b.  Dominant testa cell shape 6-edged.
11a. Seed shape broadly ovoid, periclinal wall gradually concave, cell arrangement with clear meshes of reticulate tissue.
12a. Seed length and width 2.10–1.55 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.013 mm2, cell arrangement without inserted pattern and indented connecting thread, periclinal wall with many small verrucae in central area of epidermis. ........................................................................................... A. mairei
12b. Seed length and width 1.77–1.31 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.007 mm2, cell arrangement with inserted pattern and indented connecting thread, periclinal wall with marginal bulge, many small verrucae. ...................................................................................................... A. denudatum
11b. Seed shape ovoid (shrivelled), periclinal wall (flat to) slightly concave, cell arrangement with clear meshes of reticulate tissue.
13a. Periclinal wall with inserted pattern, anticlinal wall S-type. ................................................................................................................................. A. tenuissimum
13b. Periclinal wall without inserted pattern, anticlinal wall straight to arched.
14a. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface 0.022 mm2, distance between testa cells 0.001–0.002 mm, periclinal wall flat to slightly concave from edge to centre. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... A. wallichii
14b. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface 0.01 mm2, distance between testa cells 0.005–0.009 mm, periclinal wall slightly concave. ................ A. carolinianum
3b.  Periclinal wall shape convex.
15a. Anticlinal wall straight to arched, arched to S-type.
16a. Cell arrangement with connecting thread.
17a. Cell arrangement with narrow connecting thread.
18a. Periclinal wall convex.
19a. Seed length and width 3.39–2.18 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.008 mm2, distance between testa cells 0.003–0.009 mm. .....A. galanthum
19b. Seed length and width 3.86–2.85 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.012 mm2, distance between testa cells 0.006–0.014 mm. ........ A. pskemense
18b. Periclinal wall gradually, flat to slightly or slightly convex.
20a. Periclinal wall with many small verrucae, flat to (slightly) convex periclinal wall.
21a. Seed length and width 2.13–1.45 mm, cell arrangement with clear meshes of reticulate tissue, distance between testa cells 0.002–0.007 mm. ......... A. geyeri
21b. Seed length and width 3.58–1.98 mm, cell arrangement with reticulate tissue, distance between testa cells 0.005–0.014 mm. ............................... A. altaicum
20b. Periclinal wall with many small to intermediate verrucae, gradually convex periclinal wall. ................................................................................. A. oschaninii
17b. Cell arrangement with (broadly) indented connecting thread.
22a. Anticlinal wall straight to arched, periclinal wall gradually convex from thickened edge to centre, without inserted pattern.
23a. Seed length and width 3.83–2.05 mm, periclinal wall with many granulose verrucae in centre, many small verrucae on edge. ........................ A. barsczewskii
23b. Seed length and width 2.85–2.07 mm, periclinal wall with one large granulose verruca in centre, many small verrucae on edge. ...................... A. eriocoleum
22b. Anticlinal wall straight to arched, periclinal wall convex, with inserted pattern. ............................................................................................... A. turkestanicum
16b. Cell arrangement without connecting thread.
24a. Periclinal walls straight to arched.
25a. Seed length and width 1.71–1.63 mm, distance between testa cells 0.0009–0.004 mm, periclinal wall slightly convex. .................................... A. neriniflorum
25b. Seed length and width 1.71–1.63 mm, distance between testa cells 0.002–0.007 mm, periclinal globular convex. ............................................. A. praemixtum
24b. Periclinal walls arched to S-type.
26a. Cell arrangement without inserted pattern, dominant testa cell shape 6-edged. ............................................................................................................... A. moly
26b. Cell arrangement with inserted pattern, dominant testa cell shape 5-edged, oblong.
27a. Seed length and width 2.05–1.56 mm, periclinal wall flat to convex, plane. ............................................................................................................ A. kujukense
27b. Seed length and width 2.75–2.16 mm, periclinal wall gradually convex from edge to centre, one large verruca on central area and many small verrucae on edge, granulose. ................................................................................................................................................................................................... A. kopetdagense
15b. Anticlinal wall S-type.
28a. Dominant testa cell shape 5-edged, rectangular.
29a. Periclinal wall shape convex with large and/or intermediate verrucae.
30a. Seed length and width 2.54–1.52 mm, cell arrangement close, periclinal wall with one large verruca in centre, intermediate verrucae on edge. ...... A. robustum
30b. Seed length and width 3.60–1.90 mm, cell arrangement loose, periclinal wall with many intermediate verrucae. ........................................... A. lenkoranicum
29b. Periclinal wall shape slightly convex with many small verrucae. ........................................................................................................................... A. margaritae
28b. Dominant testa cell shape oblong, elliptic.
31a. Cell arrangement with indented connecting thread. ...................................................................................................................................................... A. elegans
31b. Cell arrangement without indented connecting thread.
32a. Seed length and width 2.39–1.95 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.015 mm2, testa cell shape many-edged to oblong. ........... A. oreophilum
32b. Seed length and width 2.03–1.48 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.006 mm2, testa cell shape orbicular to oblong. ...................... A. popovii
2b. Seed shape narrowly (flattened) ovoid.
33a. Cell arrangement close.
34a. Anticlinal wall straight to arched.
35a. Periclinal wall globular convex. ..................................................................................................................................................................... A. fedtschenkoanum
35b. Periclinal wall flat, flat to slightly convex.
36a. Seed length and width 3.05–1.64 mm, cell arrangement with unclear meshes, periclinal wall flat to slightly convex. ...................................... A. condensatum
36b. Seed length and width 4.73–1.81 mm, cell arrangement without unclear meshes, periclinal wall flat. ................................................................... ...A. validum
34b. Anticlinal wall arched to S-type.
37a. Seed length and width 1.93–1.42 mm, cell arrangement with inserted pattern, testa cell shape oblong. ............................................................ A. verticillatum
37b. Seed length and width 3.21–1.63 mm, cell arrangement without inserted pattern, testa cell shape 4- to many-edged. ............................................... A. aroides
33b. Cell arrangement loose.
38a. Cell arrangement with connecting thread.
39a. Periclinal wall gradually concave.
40a. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.008 mm2, periclinal wall with marginal bulge, small verrucae. ................................................... .A. tanguticum
40b. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.02 mm2, periclinal wall with one large granulose verruca in centre, many small verrucae on edge. ...... A. lineare
39b. Periclinal wall flat to slightly convex or convex.
41a. Seed length and width 2.17–1.16 mm, dominant testa cell shape oblong, anticlinal wall S-type, periclinal wall with many small verrucae in centre, intermediate verrucae on edge. ................................................................................................................................................................................. A. korolkowii
41b. Seed length and width 2.73–1.42 mm, dominant testa cell shape 6-edged, anticlinal wall straight to arched, periclinal wall with many small verrucae. .... .A. karelinii
38b. Cell arrangement without connecting thread.
42a. Periclinal wall plane to slightly, gradually concave.
43a. Periclinal wall straight to arched.
44a. Seed length and width 2.79–1.60 mm, distance between testa cells 0.003–0.006 mm, periclinal walls with small to intermediate verrucae. ... A. aff. tuberosum
44b. Seed length and width 3.97–2.31 mm, distance between testa cells 0.008–0.012 mm, periclinal walls with one large granulose verruca in centre, many small verrucae on edge. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... A. drobovii
43b. Periclinal wall arched to S-type. ................................................................................................................................................................................ A. ramosum
42b. Periclinal wall (gradually) (slightly) convex.
45a. Periclinal wall straight to arched.
46a. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.015 mm2, gradually convex periclinal walls with small to intermediate verrucae. .................. A. cyathophorum
46b. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.006 mm2, convex periclinal walls with many small verrucae. ....................................................... A. talassicum
45b. Periclinal wall S-type. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ A. subangulatum
1b.  Anticlinal walls S- to U-type, U-type, U- to Ω-type, Ω-type.
47a. Loose cell arrangement.
48a. Seed shape (broadly) ovoid (shrivelled).
49a. Periclinal wall shape concave.
50a. Dominant testa cell shape elliptic.
51a. Seed length and width 3.03–1.87 mm, anticlinal wall S- to U-type, periclinal wall with many intermediate and small verrucae. ...................... A. oreoprasum
51b. Seed length and width 2.13–1.40 mm, anticlinal wall Ω-type, periclinal wall with marginal bulge or not, small verrucae. .................................. A. caeruleum
50b. Dominant testa cell shape oblong.
52a. Distance between testa cells 0.003–0.008 mm, anticlinal wall S- to U-type. ........................................................................................................... A. caesioides
52b. Distance between testa cells 0.001–0.004 mm, anticlinal wall U- to Ω-type. ....................................................................................................... A. delicatulum
49b. Periclinal wall shape convex.
53a. Cell arrangement with connecting thread.
54a. Dominant testa cell shape oblong.
55a. Anticlinal wall S- to U-type.
56a. Convex periclinal wall.
57a. Seed length and width 3.15–2.20 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.024 mm2, periclinal wall with many intermediate verrucae. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................A. dictyoscordum
57b. Seed length and width 2.16–1.15 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.012 mm2, periclinal wall with 1 or 2 large granulose verrucae and many small verrucae. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. A. caesium
56b. Globular convex periclinal wall. .......................................................................................................................................................................... A. ophiophyllum
55b. Anticlinal wall U-type. ............................................................................................................................................................................................ A. ferganicum
54b. Dominant testa cell shape elliptic.
58a. Anticlinal wall U-type, periclinal wall with 1–3 intermediate granulose verrucae on central area and many small verrucae. ................................. A. brevidens
58b. Anticlinal wall U- to Ω-type, periclinal wall with 1 or 2 large granulose verrucae in centre, many intermediate granulose verrucae on edge. ... A. sulphureum
53b. Cell arrangement without connecting thread.
59a. Globular, gradually convex periclinal walls.
60a. Dominant testa cell shape oblong.
61a. Periclinal wall many intermediate verrucae.
62a. Distance between testa cells 0.0002–0.00068 mm, anticlinal wall U- to Ω-type. ........................................................................................................... A. akaka
62b. Distance between testa cells 0.002–0.007 mm, anticlinal wall S- to U-type. ..................................................................................................... A. ophiophyllum
61b. Periclinal wall many intermediate verrucae and many small verrucae on edge.
63a. Seed length and width 2.14–1.57 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.015 mm2, periclinal wall gradually convex....................... A. alexeianum
63b. Seed length and width 3.13–1.83 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.009 mm2, periclinal wall globular convex. ...................... A. baissunense
60b. Dominant testa cell orbicular, elliptic.
64a. Large verruca or verrucae on central area of periclinal wall.
65a. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.02 mm2, anticlinal wall Ω-type. ................................................................................................ A. taeniopetalum
65b. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.008 mm2, anticlinal wall U-type. ................................................................................................ A. griffithianum
64b. One to four intermediate verrucae on central area of periclinal wall. ........................................................................................................................... A. isakulii
59b. Convex periclinal wall.
66a. Dominant testa cell shape oblong.
67a. Seed length and width 2.48–1.77 mm, testa cell shapes elliptic to oblong. ............................................................................................................. A. giganteum
67b. Seed length and width 3.80–2.31 mm, testa cell shapes ovoid to irregular. ............................................................................................................. A. komarowii
66b. Dominant testa cell shape elliptic.
68a. Intermediate verrucae on central area of periclinal wall. ......................................................................................................................................... A. stipitatum
68b. Large verrucae on central area of periclinal wall.
69a. Seed length and width 3.23–2.14 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.012 mm2. ................................................................................ A. filidens
69b. Seed length and width 3.02–1.88 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.016 mm2. ................................................................................. A. ugami
48b. Seed shape flattened ovoid, narrowly ovoid.
70a. Dominant testa cell shape oblong.
71a. Anticlinal wall U- to Ω-type.
72a. Seed length and width 2.4–1.4 mm, distance between testa cells 0–0.002 mm. ..................................................................................................... A. protensum
72b. Seed length and width 2.77–1.21 mm, distance between testa cells 0.002–0.011 mm. ............................................................................................... A. vineale
71b. Anticlinal wall Ω-type, U-type.
73a. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.008 mm2, distance between testa cells 0–0.003 mm, anticlinal wall Ω-type, cell arrangement without indented connecting thread. ............................................................................................................................................................................................... A. cardiostemon
73b. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface 0.018 mm2, distance between testa cells 0.004–0.06 mm, anticlinal wall Ω-type, cell arrangement with indented connecting thread. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ A. affine
70b. Dominant testa cell shape elliptic.
74a. Cell arrangement with connecting thread.
75a. Periclinal walls slightly convex, many small and granulose intermediate verrucae. .................................................................................................. A. minutum
75b. Periclinal walls convex, five to seven intermediate verrucae, granulose. .................................................................................................................. A. guttatum
74b. Cell arrangement without connecting thread.
76a. Periclinal wall globular, slightly convex.
77a. Testa cell shapes orbicular to elliptic.
78a. Globular, slightly convex periclinal wall.
79a. Seed length and width 3.31–1.87 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.022 mm2, anticlinal wall S- to U-type periclinal wall with 1–5 intermediate and many small verrucae. ................................................................................................................................................................ A. crystallinum
79b. Seed length and width 2.41–1.01 mm, area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface cells 0.022 mm2, anticlinal wall U- to Ω-type, periclinal wall with many small verrucae. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. A. anisotepalum
78b. Convex periclinal wall.
80a. Seed length and width 3.26–1.58 mm, anticlinal wall U-type. ......................................................................................................................... A. atroviolaceum
80b. Seed length and width 2.55–1.27 mm, anticlinal wall S- to U-type. ......................................................................................................................... A. fibrosum
77b. Testa cell shapes triangular to elliptic and oblong.
81a. Periclinal wall with many small verrucae. ............................................................................................................................................................ A. borszczowii
81b. Periclinal wall with 1–4 intermediate granulose verrucae and many small verrucae. ................................................................................................. A. haneltii
76b. Periclinal wall globular, slightly concave.
82a. Seed shape flattened ovoid, anticlinal wall U- to Ω-type, periclinal wall with many small verrucae. ................................................................... A. sabulosum
82b. Seed shape narrowly ovoid, anticlinal wall S- to U-type, periclinal wall with many intermediate and small verrucae. ..............................................A. aucheri
47b. Close cell arrangement.
83a. Dominant testa cell shape orbicular.
84a. Anticlinal wall U- to Ω-type or U-type.
85a. Globular convex periclinal wall.
86a. Seed length and width 2.42–1.93 mm, distance between testa cells 0.0005–0.001 mm, anticlinal wall U-type. ......................................... A. sarawschanicum
86b. Seed length and width 3.78–2.68 mm, distance between testa cells 0.001–0.004 mm, anticlinal wall U- to Ω-type. ........................................ A. karataviense
85b. Slightly concave, gradually convex periclinal wall.
87a. Periclinal wall slightly concave with many small verrucae. .......................................................................................................................................... A. regelii
87b. Periclinal wall gradually convex with many intermediate verrucae on central area of shrivelled epidermis. ...................................................... A. cupuliferum
84b. Anticlinal wall S- to U-type. .................................................................................................................................................................................... A. woronowii
83b. Dominant testa cell shape elliptic, oblong.
88a. Seed shape broadly ovoid (shrivelled).
89a. Dominant testa cell shape elliptic.
90a. Anticlinal wall S- to U-type, periclinal wall convex and granulate, one large verruca on central area, intermediate verrucae on edge. ........ A. tschimganicum
90b. Anticlinal wall Ω-type, periclinal wall convex or concave, many small verrucae. ................................................................................................. A. zergericum
89b. Dominant testa cell shape oblong.
91a. Anticlinal wall Ω-type.
92a. Distance between testa cells 0.004–0.009 mm, periclinal wall flat to convex with many intermediate and large verrucae. .................................. A. gypsaceum
92b. Distance between testa cells 0.00064–0.00097 mm, periclinal wall gradually convex with many intermediate verrucae. ......................... A. costatovaginatum
91b. Anticlinal wall S- to U-type, U- to Ω-type.
93a. Seed length and width 1.66–1.16 mm, anticlinal wall S- to U-type, periclinal wall slightly convex, many small and intermediate verrucae. .... A. insufficiens
93b. Seed length and width 3.08–2.45 mm, anticlinal wall U- to Ω-type, periclinal wall convex, many intermediate verrucae. ................................... A. cristophii
88b. Seed shape flattened ovoid.
94a. Test cell shapes orbicular or suborbicular to elliptic.
95a. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface 0.017 mm2, anticlinal wall U- to Ω-type. .............................................................................................. A. rhodanthum
95b. Area of 10 periclinal wall testa surface 0.009 mm2, anticlinal wall U-type. ........................................................................................................... A. pamiricum
94b. Test cell shapes elliptic to triangular. .................................................................................................................................................................. A. tashkenticum