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. 2021 Mar 12;19(4):524–532. doi: 10.1002/msc.1549


Interview guide for medical professionals

Topic areas Questions (prompts)
Management of knee and hip OA What role do you consider surgical treatments have in the management of knee/hip OA?
What role do you consider non‐surgical treatments have in the management of knee/hip OA? (Prompts for specific treatments – exercise‐therapy including resistance, aerobic and functional exercise, education, weight management, analgesia such as NSAIDS, paracetamol and opioids, injection therapy, gait aids, taping or braces, electrotherapy agents such as ultrasound, tens, manual therapy such as mobilisation and massage)
What components do you think should be included in an appropriate non‐surgical management program for knee/hip OA?
Referrals and recommendations for nonsurgical management for knee/hip OA What advice do you commonly provide to your patients with knee/hip OA when they first present?
Do you refer your OA patients to other health care professionals or services? If so, to whom?
Under what circumstances would you consider referring for (or recommending a patient receive) non‐surgical management of their knee/hip OA? If rheumatologist—under what circumstances would you consider referring for any other nonsurgical or nonmedical management?
What factors do you consider when referring a patient for non‐surgical management for their knee/hip OA?
How do you decide where to refer a patient for nonsurgical management of their knee/hip OA?
How would you determine whether a non‐surgical management program has been effective for your patient with knee/hip OA?
Knowledge and recommendations for physiotherapy programs What is your understanding of available physiotherapy programs for knee/hip OA?
How many of your patients with knee/hip OA do you recommend attend physiotherapy?
Knowledge of GLA:D® program What is your understanding of the GLA:D® program?
What is your understanding of the qualifications and experience of the staff who run the GLA:D® program?
Barrier and enablers for referrals Can you tell me about any factors that would make it easier/or has made it easier to refer into the program?
Can you tell me about any factors that would make it/or has made it difficult to refer into the GLA:D® program? (Prompts included broad options: Referral process, program effectiveness, confidence in intervention and intervention givers, cost versus benefit, access issues for patient, patient preference.)
Describe any difficulties you have encountered (or potentially would encountered) when/if referring your patient to the GLA:D® program?
Are there any aspects of the GLA:D® program you liked? If so please elaborate?
Are there any aspects of the GLA:D® program you disliked? If so please elaborate?
Do you have anything else you would like to add about the management of knee/hip OA?

Abbreviations: GLA:D®, Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark, NSAIDS, nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs, OA, osteoarthritis.