Comparison of computational programs for proximity‐based genome scaffolding. The programs are sorted in the descending order of the number of citations in the literature introducing the individual programs, with the exception of the programs that are not openly maintained (LACHESIS and HiRise at the bottom)
Program | Description | Input data requirement | Other information |
3d‐dnaa,b |
Misjoin correction algorithm is applied to detect errors in the input assembly; compatible with multiple enzymes |
Accepts only Juicer mapper format |
The results can be reviewed and modified directly by JuiceBox |
Uses the physical coverage of Hi‐C pairs to identify misassembled regions of the input assembly; compatible with multiple enzymes |
Generic bam (bed) file, assembly graph, unitig, 10x link files |
The results can be visualized by JuiceBox via the included script |
Scaffolding and phasing of a polyploid genome |
Hi‐C read pairs; (option) associated gene annotation or chromosome‐scale genome assembly for a closely related species | Generate the chromatin contact matrix to evaluate genome scaffolding |
FALCON‐Phasee |
Scaffolding and phasing of a diploid genome |
Hi‐C read pairs; FALCON‐Unzip assembly | Output two phased full‐length pseudo‐haplotypes |
HiCAssemblerf |
Misassemblies are corrected by iterative joining of high‐confidence scaffold paths |
Hi‐C matrix of h5 format created by HiCExplorer | Misassembled regions in the input assembly can be corrected by specifying the location in the program |
instaGRAALg |
Overhauling the GRAAL program to allow efficient assembly of large genomes |
Hi‐C matrix of instaGRAAL format created by hicstuff or HiC‐Box | Requires NVIDIA CUDA and can be executed in a limited environment |
No function to correct scaffold misjoins |
Generic bam format | Developer's support discontinued; intricate installation |
HiRisei |
Employed in Dovetail Chicago/Hi‐C service |
Generic bam format | Open‐source version at GitHub not updated since 2015 |