Fig. 3.
Receiver operator characteristic curves (ROC) comparing SARS-CoV-2 sample viral load levels as a predictor of viral culture and antigen detection. For each plot, sensitivity versus 1-specificity was plotted for each viral load value (genome/copies/mL) determined by RT-qPCR for each sample in our study when used as a lower limit threshold for scoring positive and negative detection for all other viral load results with qualitative viral culture or antigen test determinations, respectively, as the comparators. (a) Viral load in genome copies/mL versus detection by viral culture. (b) Viral load versus LumiraDx antigen detection. (c) Viral load versus BD Veritor antigen detection. (d) Viral load versus Oscar Corona antigen detection. (e) Viral load versus CareStart antigen detection. Viral load values along the ROC curves are labeled in power of 10 logarithmic intervals and demarcated in colour as indicated in accompany heatmap legend bar. Area under the curve for each ROC curve is denoted on respective plots.