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. 2021 Oct 4;145(2):116–131. doi: 10.1111/acps.13372


Summary of study characteristics by type of study populations (n = 42), 34 papers

Characteristic Military Professionals Civilians
Number of study populations, n 20 5 17
Publication year, n
2000–2010 2 0 4
2011–2015 9 1 7
2016–2020 9 4 6
Region, n
USA 12 4 7
Europe 2 0 4
Other 6 1 6
Traumatic event(s), n
Deployment/combat 21 0 0
Terror 0 4 5
Disaster 0 1 5
Injury/disease 0 0 6
Study size, n
100‐<500 9 0 6
500‐<3000 3 2 1
3000+ 8 3 10
Men, % mean (range) 93.9 (72–100) 67.7 (41–86) 43.6 (0–82)
Age, years, mean at baseline (range) 31.6 (23–59) 43.4 (40–45) 41.0 (20–70)
Number of assessments, mean (range) 3.9 (3–6) 3.6 (3–4) 3.5 (3–7)
Duration of follow‐up, months (mean, range) 130 (7–420) 112 (54–144) 43 (12–144)
Method of data collection, %
Questionnaire 17 4 8
Interview 0 1 8
Expert 3 0 1
PTSD symptom scale, %
PCL 11 5 4
CAPS 4 0 2
Other 5 0 11
PTSD symptom trajectory, % (mean)
No delayed‐onset track, n 3 0 10
Resilient, mean % 74.9 71.1 63.8
Delayed‐onset, mean % 11.9 11.1 8.3
Other, mean % 13.2 17.8 27.9
High homogeneity, % 52.9 60.0 70,5
Participation at baseline <75%, % 80 80 70
Attrition from baseline to latest follow‐up >25%, % 85 80 65