The divorce histogram analysis of other 15 prominent questions scale ranks analysis. (a) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature dreams, (b) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature incompetence, (c) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature Always_never, (d) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature friends_social, (e) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature hopes_wishes, (f) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature current_stress, (g) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature anxieties, (h) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature inner_world, (i) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature fav_food, (j) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature care_sick, (k) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature likes, (l) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature trust, (m) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature roles, (n) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature marriage and (o) The ranked scale analysis being the lowest and highest for feature love.