Fig. 5. The effects of PIMSR on electrical ICSS in rats.
A A schematic diagram showing the experimental methods. B Representative stimulation-response curves, illustrating the stimulation threshold (θ0), Ymax, and the effects of cocaine and/or PIMSR on the stimulation-response curve. Cocaine (2 mg/kg, i.p.) shifted the stimulation-response curve to the left and decreased the stimulation threshold (θ0 value), which was ameliorated by PIMSR. C Cocaine-induced reduction in the θ0 value (% baseline) in the absence or presence of PIMSR, indicating that cocaine alone produced an enhancement in ICSS (as less stimulation current was required to initiate ICSS in the presence of cocaine). This effect was attenuated by pretreatment with PIMSR. D PIMSR alone (n = 12) did not alter the θ0 value, suggesting that it is not rewarding or aversive by itself. *p < 0.05, compared to vehicle.