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. 2022 Jul 5;13:926240. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.926240


Metagenomics pipelines.

References Country Category Sample type Total patient Sample preparation DNA/RNA extraction Microbial genome enrichment Library preparation Instrument Software Database
(Greninger et al., 2015) California, United States Case report Fresh CSF 1 No EZ1 Viral kit (Qiagen) Turbo DNase (Ambion) Nextera XT protocol (Illumina) Illumina MiSeq SURPI pipeline NCBI GeneBank database
(Guan et al., 2015) Tianjin, China Prospective study Frozen CSF 4 No TIANamp Micro DNA Kit (TIANGEN BIOTECH) Sigma-Aldrich WGA4 Kit (WGA) Not available BGISEQ-100 platform Burrows-Wheeler Alignment, SoapCoverage software Microbial Genome Databases
(Yao et al., 2016) Beijing, China retrospective study Frozen CSF 3 No TIANamp Micro DNA Kit (Tiangen Biotech) No Not available BGISEQ-100 Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial Genome Database
(Joanna María et al., 2016) Mexico Case report Frozen CSF 1 No MagNA Pure LC 2.0 instrument, Total Nucleic Acid isolation kit (Roche) TransPlex Whole Transcriptome Amplification kit WTA, (Sigma-Aldrich) and GenomiPhi V2 (Healthcare Life Sciences) Roche 454 GS FLX single-end library 454 GS FLX Titanium system (Roche) GS de novo Assembler version 2.6, NCBI GenBank
(Kawada et al., 2016) Nagoya, Japan Prospective study Fresh CSF 18 0.45-μm filter (Merck-Millipore, Temecula, CA) QIAamp Viral RNA Mini kit (Qiagen) Turbo DNase (Ambion, Darmstadt, Germany) Nextera XT DNA Sample preparation kit and ScriptSeq v2 (Illumina) Illumina MiSeq, Illumina HiSeq 2500 MEGAN5, CLC workbench MEGABLAST
(Chiu et al., 2017) California, United States Case report Fresh CSF 1 Not available Not available Not available Not available Illumina Miseq SURPI+ computational pipeline Microbial genome database
(Piantadosi et al., 2017) Boston, United States Case report Fresh CSF 1 centrifugation 90 min/18,000 xg/4°C QIAamp Viral Mini Kit (Qiagen) TURBO DNase (Thermo Fisher) Nextera XT Illumina MiSeq Kraken, de novo assembly published computational pipeline viral-NGS
(Hu et al., 2018) Nanjing, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 No TIANamp Micro DNA Kit (TIANGEN BIO- TECH) Sonication (Bioruptor Pico protocols) end-repaired adaptation and PCR amplification (BGI, Tianjin, China) BGISEQ-50 platform Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial genome database
(Piantadosi et al., 2018) Boston, United States Case report Fresh CSF 1 TURBO DNase (Thermo Fisher) QIAamp Viral Mini Kit (Qiagen) TURBO DNase (Thermo Fisher) Nextera XT (Illumina) Illumina MiSeq, HiSeq 2500 Kraken, Geneious version 8.1.7 NCBI GenBank Database
(Xing et al., 2019) Beijing, China Prospective study Frozen CSF 12 Not available Not available Not available Not available BGISEQ-500/50 platform Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial genome Database
(Tschumi et al., 2019) Zurich, Switzerland Case report Fresh CSF 1 centrifugation and filtration Not available DNase treatment Nextera XT (Illumina) MiSeq VirMet pipeline NCBI GenBank database
(Saha et al., 2019) Bangladesh Retrospective study Frozen CSF 91 Not available Not available Not available Nextera XT (Illumina) Illumina NovaSeq IDseq bioinformatics pipeline NCBI GenBank database
(Wang et al., 2019) Beijing, China Retrospective study Frozen CSF 23 glass beads, vortexed 20 min, centrifuged at 8000 rcf TIANamp Micro DNA Kit (TIANGEN BIOTECH) No end-repaired adaptation and PCR amplification (BGI, Tianjin, China) BGISEQ-100 Mapping with WBA, BLAST Microbial genome database
(Wilson et al., 2019) California, United States Retrospective study Fresh CSF 204 Not available Not available Not available Nextera XT (Illumina) Illumina HiSeq SURPI+ pipeline NCBI GenBank database
(Zhang Y. et al., 2019) Hebei, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 No TIANamp Micro DNA Kit (Tiangen Biotech) No end-repaired adaptation and PCR amplification (BGI, Tianjin, China) BGISEQ-100 Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial genome database
(Edridge et al., 2019) Amsterdam, Netherlands Retrospective study Frozen CSF 45 Centrifugation TURBO DNase (Thermo Fisher) Manually extracted Boom method MseI (T?TAA; New England Biolabs) VIDISCA library preparation Ion PGM System Taxonomer, CodonCode Aligner (version 6.0.2) UBLAST
(Zhang X. X. et al., 2019) Beijing, China Retrospective study Fresh CSF 135 No TIANamp Micro DNA Kit (DP316, Tiangen Biotech, Beijing, China). No BGISEQ-500 standard protocol BGISEQ-500 sequencing Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial genome database
(Miller et al., 2019) California, United States Retrospective study Fresh CSF 95 FastPrep-24 bead beater (MP Biomedicals) EZ1 Virus Mini Kit v2.0 (Qiagen) NEB Microbiome Enrichment Kit (New England Biolabs) Turbo DNAse (Thermo-fisher) Nextera XT DNA Library Prep Kit (Illumina) Illumina HiSeq SURPI+ pipeline GenBank reference database
(Eibach et al., 2019) Agogo, Ghana Retrospective study Frozen CSF 70 No MagMAX Viral RNA Isolation Kit (Life Technologies) No BGISEQ-500 standard protocol Illumina MiSeq CLC workbench, Trinity v2.6.6, Geneious v11, DIAMOND v0.9.6 NCBI GenBank database
(Chen et al., 2020) Yangzhou, China Case report Fresh CSF 4 Centrifugation TIANamp Micro DNA Kit (TianGen Biotech) Ultrasonicator (Covaris) VAHTS Universal DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina V3 kit Illumina NextSeq500 Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial genome database
(Lan et al., 2020) Hunan, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 No TIANGEN DNA Mini kit DP316 (Tiangen Biotech, Beijing, China) No Not available Illumina NextSeq Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial genome database
(Zhang et al., 2020) Hunan, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
(Xing X. W. et al., 2020) China Prospective study Frozen CSF 213 Glass beads, vortex Not available Not available Not available BGISEQ-500 Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial genome database
(Yan et al., 2020) Shanghai, China Prospective study Frozen CSF 51 Glass beads, vortex 2800-3200RPM for 30 min TIANamp Micro DNA Kit (TIANGEN BIOTECH) No end-repaired adaptation and PCR amplification (BGI) BGISEQ-50 platform Burrows–Wheeler Alignmen Microbial Genome Databases
(Wang et al., 2020) Wenzhou, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 Not available Not available Not available Not available BGISEQ platform Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial Genome Databases
(Wu et al., 2020) Shanghai, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 Not available Not available Not available Not available BGISEQ platform Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial Genome Databases
(Manso et al., 2020) London, United Kingdom Prospective study Fresh CSF 12 Filtration and Turbo DNAse treatment PureLink Viral RNA/DNA Mini Kit (Invitrogen) No Nextera XT DNA library prep kit (Illumina) Illumina MiSeq Trimmomatic v0.39, PRINSEQ, mapping with PALADIN, BWA MEM In-house database comprising the RefSeq viral protein sequences from NCBI
(Carbo et al., 2020) Leiden, Netherlands Prospective study Frozen CSF 41 No MagNApure 96 DNA and Viral NA Small volume extraction kit (ROCHE) SpeedVac vacuum con- centrator (Eppendorf), SeqCap EZ Hypercap probes (Roche) NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA Library prep kit (New England Biolabs) Illumina NovaSeq6000 Illumina data analysis pipeline RTA3.4.4 and bcl2fastq v2.20, Genome Detective version 1.111 An index database constructed from NCBI
(Leon et al., 2020) Barcelona, Spain Retrospective study Frozen CSF 20 No Direct-zol RNA MicroPrep with TRI reagent (Zymo Research) Depletion of Abundant Sequences by Hybridization (DASH) NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA Library prep kit (New England Biolabs) Illumina HiSeq 4000 instrument Geneious version 10.2.3, SPAdes version 3.10.0, MUSCLE, MAFFT. Local database
(Solomon et al., 2021) Boston, United States Case report Frozen CSF 1 Not available Not available Not available Not available Illumina HiSeq 2500 SURPI+ pipeline NCBI GenBank database
(Li et al., 2021) Sydney, Australia Prospective study Frozen CSF 18 No RNeasy plus universal kit (QIAGEN) No Trio RNA-Seq kit (NuGEN Technologies, United States) was Illumina NovaSeq platform Blastn, Blastx, Diamond, Megahit NCBI GenBank databases,
(Zhan et al., 2021) Hangzhou, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 Not available Not available Not available Not available BGISEQ-500 sequencing Not available Not available
(Zhou et al., 2021) Hunan, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 No Not available No Nexter XT NextSeq 550 Kraken In-house database
(Mao et al., 2021) Guangzhou, China Case report Frozen CSF 1 Not available TIANamp Magnetic DNA Kit (Tiangen) Not available PACEseq mNGS (Hugobiotech) NextSeq 550 Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial genome database
(Zhang et al., 2021a) Hunan, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
(Huang et al., 2021) Guangzhou, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 centrifugation 5 min at 15,000 rpm magnetic beads [Sagene, Guangzhou, CHINA] No Nexter XT Illumina NextSeq 550 DX Not available Not available
(Xing N. et al., 2021) Hebei, China Retrospective study Fresh CSF 7 Not available Not available Not available Not available BGISEQ-500 sequencing Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial genome database
(Erdem et al., 2021) Ohio, United States Prospective study Frozen CSF 37 No QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen) No TruSeq Universal kit (Illumina) Illumina HiSeq4000 FastQC, Cutadpat and PRINSEQ tools, Bowtie2 mapper 2.0.6, CDHIT tool. de novo assembled using MIRA (v 4.0), MegaBLAST NCBI GeneBank database
(Xing X.-W. et al., 2021) China Case report Frozen CSF 1 Not available Not available Not available BGISEQ-500 standard protocol BGISEQ 50 MGI DNBSEQ Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial genome database
(Yin et al., 2021) Jiangsu, China Retrospective study Frozen CSF 1 No TIANamp Magnetic DNA Kit (Tiangen) No KAPA Hyper Prep Kit (KAPA Biosystems) according Illumina NextSeq 550Dx Trimmomatic v.0.36 software, Bowtie2 software. Kraken 2 software Microbial genome database
(Zeng et al., 2021) Changsha, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 Not available Not available Not available PACEseq mNGS test (Hugobiotech) Illumina NextSeq 550 Not available Not available
(Guan et al., 2021) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Case report Frozen CSF 1 No DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kits (QIAGEN) No NuGEN Ovation Ultralow Library System V2 (NuGEN) Illumina HiSeq 4000, Illumina iSeq 100 MEGAHIT assembler v1⋅1 ⋅4, BBmap with 0 ⋅98, Metabat v2 ⋅12 ⋅1, Spades NCBI GenBank database
(Zhang et al., 2021b) Zhejiang, China Case report Fresh CSF 1 Not available Not available Not available Nexter XT Illumina NextSeq Kraken Kraken microbial database
(Piantadosi et al., 2021) Boston, United States Prospective study Fresh CSF 68 No QIAamp viral RNA minikit (Qiagen) NEBNext microbiome DNA enrichment kit (New England BioLabs) Nextera XT DNA library prep kit (Illumina) Illumina MiSeq KrakenUniq, BLAST NCBI GenBank database
(Morsli et al., 2021d) Marseille, France Case report Fresh CSF 1 Proteinase K 20 min QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit solutions (Qiagen) Turbo DNase (Thermo Fisher) and Nextera XT V2 Illumina iSeq 100 Spade, BLAST, CLC workbench NCBI GenBank database
(Fan et al., 2021) Guangzhou, China Retrospective study Frozen CSF 11 Not available Not available Not available Not available BGISEQ platform Burrows-Wheeler Alignment Microbial Genome Databases
(Morsli et al., 2021c) Marseille, France Case report Fresh CSF 1 Proteinase K 20 min Virus Mini Kit v2.0 (Qiagen) Spiked primer enrichment Nextera XT V2 Illumina Miseq, iSeq 100 Spade, BLAST, CLC workbench NCBI GenBank database
(Morsli et al., 2021b) Marseille, France Case report Fresh CSF 1 Proteinase K 20 min EZ1 DNA Kit (Qiagen) No Oxford Nanopore MinION library preparation Oxford Nanopore MinION EPI2ME, Kraken-2, Pavian NCBI GenBank database
(Morsli et al., 2021a) Marseille, France Case report Fresh CSF 1 Proteinase K 20 min EZ1 DNA Kit (Qiagen) No Oxford Nanopore MinION library preparation Oxford nanopore MinION, Illumina iSeq EPI2M2, Spades, CLC genomic workbench NCBI GenBank database
(Gao et al., 2021) Beijing, China Prospective study Fresh CSF 38 centrifugation 10 min at 13,000 rpm QIAamp DNA Microbiome Kit (Qiagen) NEBNext microbiome DNA enrichment kit (New England BioLabs) Nextera XT kit v2 Ion Torrent end-repair library Illumina MiSeq, Ion Torrent Proton Burrows-Wheeler alignment was Microbial genome databases
(Morsli et al., 2022) Marseille, France Case report Fresh CSF 1 Proteinase K 20 min EZ1 DNA Kit (Qiagen) No Oxford Nanopore MinION library preparation Oxford Nanopore MinION EPI2ME and CLC Genomics Workbench, software NCBI GenBank database