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. 2022 Jul 19;23:522. doi: 10.1186/s12864-022-08754-8

Table 8.

Differentially expressed ASFV genes in high and medium dose groups. TND = transcript not detected

ORF (Gene) Differential expression in High dose Differential expression in medium dose Differential expression in Low dose Description/Function Reference
log2 Fold Change Padj log2 Fold Change padj log2 Fold Change padj
A151R 2.68 2.74E-02 2.99 1.60E-02 TND TND Inhibits Absent in Melanoma 2 (AIM2) inflammasome activation. [95]
A240L (TK) 2.10 4.80E-02 2.38 4.63E-02 TND TND Thymidylate kinase Involved viral in DNA synthesis [96]
B646L (p72) 2.34 4.80E-02 2.25 4.76E-02 TND TND Encodes the variable major capsid protein, p72, an immunogenic protein in natural infections. Involved in virion assembly and entry. Late transcription gene. [97, 98]
C84L −2.74 7.99E-03 −2.82 8.18E-03 TND TND Uncharacterised protein [99]
CP204L (p30) 2.23 4.80E-02 TND TND TND TND Plays a role in virus cell tropism, and is essential for effective virus entry and replication in macrophages. [10]
E184L (j12L) 2.13 4.80E-02 2.25 4.76E-02 TND TND Uncharacterised protein
EP402R (CD2v) 2.08 4.81E-02 2.28 4.76E-02 TND TND Similar to host CD2 protein, needed for binding red blood cells to infected cells and extracellular virus particles; responsible for heamadsorption in infected cells; glycoprotein inserted into external virus envelope [100]
I177L (k14L) 2.13 4.80E-02 2.61 3.54E-02 TND TND Uncharacterised protein [100]
I196L (k15L) 2.15 4.80E-02 2.37 4.72E-02 TND TND Uncharacterised protein [100]
I215L (k13L) TND TND 1.51 4.76E-02 TND TND Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme [100]
I73R (k10R) 2.24 4.80E-02 2.59 3.54E-02 TND TND Uncharacterised protein [100]
K78R (p10) 2.05 4.97E-02 TND TND TND TND DNA-binding protein p10 involved in morphogenesis [100]
MGF 100-2 L 2.82 2.45E-02 3.22 1.18E-02 TND TND Modulate host cell functions [91]
MGF 100-3 L 2.79 2.45E-02 3.15 1.18E-02 TND TND
MGF 360-15R 2.55 3.57E-02 2.78 2.79E-02 TND TND
MGF 360-22R 2.21 4.80E-02 2.48 3.85E-02 TND TND
MGF 360-4 L 2.08 4.81E-02 2.50 3.85E-02 TND TND
NP1450L (g2L) 2.26 4.80E-02 2.28 4.76E-02 TND TND RNA polymerase subunit 1 is involved in transcription [98]