Fig. 5. End-point RT–PCR analysis of 81 clinical samples (40 SARS-CoV-2 positives and 41 known negatives).
a Detected by Epidax®; b Obtained by running 45 PCR cycles on Bio–Rad system, then the samples were loaded onto an empty chip and the fluorescence images captured using Epidax® detection module and the images similarly analyzed as that of Epidax®. By using the same threshold of relative intensity 10 (dashed line), 40 positive samples (with relative intensities in the range of 20–42), and 41 negative samples (all with relative intensities below 10) were accurately detected. All controls performed as expected: all NCs had relative intensities below 10, while all PCs and ICs had relative intensities above 10 (in the range of 20 to 44).