PCR products generated after coamplification from the target sequences in X. axonopodis pv. citri (222 bp) and pGXIS (400 bp) at different concentrations: 0.015 pg/μl (A), 0.15 pg/μl (B), and 1.5 pg/μl (C). Lane M, 1-kb Plus DNA ladder (Life Technologies); lanes 1 (S1a), 2 (S1b), 5 (S2W), 6 (S3B), and 7 (8W), lesions on leaves of a grapefruit tree; lanes 3 (5W) and 4 (5B), lesions on fruits of a lemon tree; lane 8 (7B), lesions on a leaf of a lemon tree; lane 9 (X00-00048), lesions on a leaf of a Persian lime tree; lanes 10 (XI00-00080) and 11 (XI00-00075), lesions on a fruit of a grapefruit tree; and lane 12 (X00-13044), lesion on a leaf of a Mexican lime tree.