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Supplementary Table 2. Acute response of the mobilization of endothelial cellular populations after maximal exercise in patients with chronic heart failure of low severity before and after a cardiac rehabilitation program.

Endothelial cellular populationsa Before rehabilitation After rehabilitation p value of the acute response between CPETs
Before CPET After CPET Before CPET After CPET
CD34+/CD45-/CD133+ 42 (20-71) 90 (40-119)# 85 (50-112) 127 (95-179)# 0.123
CD34+/CD45-/CD133+/VEGFR2 2 (1-3) 5 (3-9)# 5 (3-7) 14 (9-17)# < 0.001
CD34+/CD133+/VEGFR2 10 (7-19) 14 (10-19)* 23 (14-54) 22 (16-73) 0.836
CD34+/CD45-/CD133- 234 (164-259) 314 (263-637)# 520 (297-866) 740 (526-1194)* 0.231
CD34+/CD45-/CD133-/VEGFR2 1 (1-2) 4 (2-6)# 5 (3-8) 10 (8-12)# 0.003

Low severity group: Peak VO2 > 18.3 ml/kg/min; CPET, cardiopulmonary exercise testing.

a Values are expressed as “cells/106 enucleated cells” in median (25th-75th percentiles).

Significant difference in the acute mobilization of endothelial cellular populations after a symptom-limited maximal CPET (* p < 0.05; # p < 0.001). CPET, cardiopulmonary exercise test.