Table 1.
Targeting cell populations in different locations
Targeting strategy | Targeted cells | Route of administration | Platform | Size and shape | Modifications | Notes | Refs. |
Tissue-specific | DCs | Subcutaneous | PLGA | ~1 µm and ~30 µm spheres | Loading of TGFβ1, GM-CSF, vitamin D3, type II collagen and insulin | Larger particles recruit and condition DCs through release of GM-CSF and TGFβ1. Simultaneously, smaller loaded particles are phagocytosed by local DCs at the injection site for reprogramming and migrate to lymph node | 85,86 |
~800 nm spheres | TGFβ surface modifications and loading of OVA323–339 peptide | Co-stimulatory particles are phagocytosed by local DCs for immune reprogramming | 88 | ||||
In vitro study | Polystyrene | 150 nm and 2 µm spheres, 3× stretched rods from 150 nm and 2 µm spheres | Physical absorption of poly I:C or CL264 | Spherical particles show stronger DC activation than rod-shaped particles. Nanospheres promote the strongest activation | 200 | ||
Lymph-node-resident immune cells (such as DCs or T cells) | Intranodal | PLGA | ~5 µm and ~ 300 nm spheres | Loading of poly I:C | PLGA particles reach the lymph node through direct injection. Microparticles release poly I:C at the site of injection for sustained DCs activation. By contrast, nanoparticles are rapidly phagocytosed by lymph-node-resident DCs and macrophages | 201 | |
~3–4 µm spheres | Loading of MOG peptide and rapamycin | Intranodal injection of microparticles to promote polarization of T cells | 89 | ||||
Local phagocytic immune cells (such as macrophages) | In vitro study | PU | ~35 nm and ~63 nm spheres | Negative and positive surface charge | Inhibition of M1 macrophage polarization after uptake of negatively charged nanoparticles | 92 | |
Ac-DEX | ~829 nm spheres | Loading of rapamycin | Particles are phagocytosed by activated macrophages, reducing production of pro-inflammatory molecules through pH-dependent release of rapamycin from particle matrix | 93 | |||
Polystyrene | 0.5–3 µm spheres; major axis 0.35–2.5 μm, minor axis 0.2–2 μm rods; major axis 0.35–2.5 μm, minor axis 0.2–2 μm disks | – | Disk-shaped and spherical particles show enhanced macrophage uptake compared to elongated particles | 152 | |||
Vasculature | Activated endothelial cells | Intravenous | Polystyrene | 500 nm and 2 μm spheres; 500 nm ESD (AR = 6) and 2 μm ESD (AR = 4) rods | sLea and anti-VCAM1 surface modification | Targeted rod-shaped microparticles adhere at a higher rate than targeted microspheres to inflamed aortic segments and plaque | 154 |
PLGA | ~200 nm spheres | γ3 peptide surface modification and loading of sparfloxacin and tacrolimus | Targeted nanoparticles concentrate antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs at site of inflammation (lungs) | 95 | |||
PAE | 100 nm spheres | Anti-ICAM1 surface modification and loading of TPCA-1 | Targeted nanoparticles concentrate in the inflamed lungs and release anti-inflammatory drug from pH-responsive polymer matrix | 97 | |||
In vitro study | Polystyrene, silica and titania | 500 nm spheres | sLea surface modification | Dense nanoparticles adhere to inflamed HUVEC at a higher rate than neutrally buoyant nanoparticles | 113 | ||
Circulating white blood cells | Circulating phagocytes | Intravenous | Polystyrene, PLG, HPPS | 2 µm, 500 nm and 15 nm spheres | Unloaded or drug-loaded particles | Particles passively target phagocytes in the bloodstream to divert them from sites of inflammation | 109,115,116 |
Intraperitoneal or intravenous | PLGA and PLA | ~400 nm spheres | Varied surfactants and molecular weight of polymer for fabrication | Physiochemical properties of the particles influenced immunomodulatory effects | 114 | ||
In vitro study | Polystyrene | 0.5–2 µm spheres | Carboxylated, PEGylated or sLea-coated particles | Collisions in blood flow, particle binding to endothelium, and particle phagocytosis were found to reduce leukocyte adhesion to inflamed endothelium in blood flow | 175 | ||
Neutrophils | Intravenous | PolyA | 1 µm spheres | Polymerized salicylic acid | PolyA particle treatment in ALI and ARDS reduces inflammatory damage in lungs and enhance survival compared to PLGA and polystyrene particles | 117 | |
In vitro study | PLGA | 1–3 µm spheres or 1.5 µm (long axis) rods | – | Physical properties of particles preferentially target neutrophils through larger size or rod shape | 119,120 |
Ac-DEX, acetalated dextran; ALI, acute lung injury; AR, aspect ratio; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; CL264, adenine analogue; DC, dendritic cell; ESD, equivalent spherical diameter; GM-CSF, granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor; HPPS, high-density lipoprotein-mimicking peptide-phospholipid scaffold; HUVEC, human umbilical vein endothelial cell; ICAM1, intracellular cell adhesion molecule 1; MOG, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; OVA, ovalbumin; PAE, poly(β-amino ester); PLG, poly(lactide-co-glycolide); PLGA, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid); PolyA, PolyAspirin; poly I:C, poly(inosinic:cytidylic acid); PU, polyurethane; sLea, sialyl Lewis A; TGFβ1, transforming growth factor β1; TPCA-1, 2-[(aminocarbonyl)-amino]-5-(4-fluorophenyl)-3-thiophenecarboxamide; VCAM1, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1.